Sometimes a big fight is not due to a problem of one particular side, it's just like a snow ball, rolling larger and larger by both sides, such that it becomes a really big problem.
But I would say I am the origin... maybe due to the walkathon, that leads to the misunderstanding.... So I 'm sorry.
But I would say I am the origin... maybe due to the walkathon, that leads to the misunderstanding.... So I 'm sorry.
I post the following on the row ghost blog today...
我覺得作為一個教練, 係應該對隊員有要求, 因為教練本身有目標, 才可以令他的運動員有目標或更有目標, 這對一班新隊員特別重要.
" 勁唔係必然", 這只係一個事實, 但不要把它當為一個理由去俾自己或你既運動員把自己限制了. 難道你們有人曾經這樣對自己講過這番話? 相反, 既然"勁唔係必然", 咁我地就要更加努力去utilize 自己既 potential, 以現在來說就是要utilize 你們的運動員既 potential.
划艇並不是一般隊制運動, 即使每一個隊員不是太突出, 但每一個人付出會產生協同效應( synergy) (我講緊既係 sweeping, not sculling). 我就唔信 CU 每個人都咁勁. 我覺得佢地因為相信自己有能力做到, 然後做到最好, 才會有咁好效果.
所以我地除左訓練班運動員既體能技術外, 心態都係一個重點項目...