Driving from within

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Sometimes a big fight is not due to a problem of one particular side, it's just like a snow ball, rolling larger and larger by both sides, such that it becomes a really big problem.

But I would say I am the origin... maybe due to the walkathon, that leads to the misunderstanding.... So I 'm sorry.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Nike 10K

Got up at 5am today, hurried to take N969 to Tin Shui Wai for the Nike 10K. The final result is 44min 2 sec.... better than next year...

The next target is the open indoor rowing competition... I wanna go for 2000m maximum.

When taking N969... saw a black guy talking to her wife or gf on the phone... They seemed to have an argument. The black guy was angry at the beginning, but later he felt like he had to resolve the matters by initiating apologize first. But then he got cut off from the line... Looking at his face of frustration, I felt like I had done that.

Friday, November 19, 2004

I dun really like the style of meeting yesterday.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004


I post the following on the row ghost blog today...

我覺得作為一個教練, 係應該對隊員有要求, 因為教練本身有目標, 才可以令他的運動員有目標或更有目標, 這對一班新隊員特別重要.

" 勁唔係必然", 這只係一個事實, 但不要把它當為一個理由去俾自己或你既運動員把自己限制了. 難道你們有人曾經這樣對自己講過這番話? 相反, 既然"勁唔係必然", 咁我地就要更加努力去utilize 自己既 potential, 以現在來說就是要utilize 你們的運動員既 potential.

划艇並不是一般隊制運動, 即使每一個隊員不是太突出, 但每一個人付出會產生協同效應( synergy) (我講緊既係 sweeping, not sculling). 我就唔信 CU 每個人都咁勁. 我覺得佢地因為相信自己有能力做到, 然後做到最好, 才會有咁好效果.

所以我地除左訓練班運動員既體能技術外, 心態都係一個重點項目...

Sunday, November 14, 2004


We should think of working in a private company, with the thought of maintaining the competitiveness...

This is what Andy said today,


Hm... it's quite meaningful, not in the sense that they got the spirit, but it made me wonder who they got this spirit. It inspired me.

Friday, November 12, 2004


So mucn anger these days...one after another.


Someone said he thought deep enough to make the decision, but now that he wanna take back the decision, what does he mean by "deep thinking"?

Tuesday, November 09, 2004


Frankly, some ppl that I respect, really bothered me, pissing me off, for their inrespect in words and behavior...

Boss, Alvin, you are really bothering me, not because of the publication of the papers, but because of how you inform other ppl. I 'm not an email checking-mechine, nor do I have mobile access to emails. If you really have important things to tell me, why not bother to call me? You still dun understand this...

Coach, Mrs Ngai, I dun really like your word "死好命". These words should not be come out from your mouth...

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Still scared

After watching the scary movie on sunday, I still feel a bit scared.....