Driving from within

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Had lunch with Director of HKO and a group of colleagues yesterday. Actually the DHKO would invite colleagues for lunch from time to time.

Maybe the colleagues are responsible for doing IT, what we talked about during lunch was about IT, what 's the difference of doing IT here and out there, what's the trend of doing IT in HK, etc. For one thing, I knew more about what the project manager did before coming to work here. He worked in several Tel Co. before. What I think is how come he 'd choose to work here, even he had experience of managing bigger projects (which maybe across borders).

For another thing, I know that it's much more comfortable to work here than outside. What did I learn here? What skills do I lack in order to work outside? I thought it's reasonable for the project manager to comment on me as he had much more experience, though I dun like his way of communication. Sometimes I 'd a bit worried of not getting used to work outside. But I dun wanna be like now as always.


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