Driving from within

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Taking a course in the cyberport these two days, I am out of office for two days. Plus the sick leave taken on Monday, actually I got three days of leaves out of office.

This afternoon I felt boring staying in the cyberport, while also having lunch there is expensive. So I chose to take a bus to the Wah Fu estate. Just had lunch in an old 茶餐廳 called 銀都冰室, but I think the food and the environment are both quite good. Comparing the cyberport nearby, the Wah Fu is completely another world. Somehow I like some old stuff, like to see old scenes, maybe I 'm old too... haha. Actually while I like modern technology, I just appreciate some old fashion and culture as well. I think one thing Hong Kong doesn't do well is it doesn't preserve old things.


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