Driving from within

Monday, October 17, 2005

Just talked to my boss's boss's boss- Assistant Director...

Actually he did most of the talking. On one hand, it sounded like he told me to find opportunity somewhere else, but he also suggested me to think about the road ahead after this job. Since time has changed, ppl dun have to worry about supporting their family (partly true, partly wrong). So they can pursue their goal, based on their interest. He said ppl in my age should look long-term, not short-term. We should think about what quality of life we want in the coming 40 something years. He suggested that I can also consider studying a PhD.

This just reminded me of what Lok talked to me before; he was thinking about the quality of life he wanna achieved. It just made me wondered if what both of them said is based on one assumption: that they 've already satisfied the basic need of their life. That's why they had such thoughts.

Anyway, my boss's boss's boss really looked like my uncle, no matter the look, and the behaviour. So the feel is so close.


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