Driving from within

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Took a leave today for the interview, i think it's worthwhile.

When gathering the documents, i thought I lost my HKCEE and HKALE certificates! Luckily I found at the bottom of the drawer. The certs are put together with some other documents in a file, which I used when going for the interview in HKO. So.. it meant that I haven't been going for a job interview for two years.

Thinking about the questions that would be asked in the morning, then after having lunch, had a shower before going out. Everything is fine, and feeling comfortable. Only while waiting outside the interview room, I felt a little bit nervous, but after a while, I nearly fell asleep! Waiting for 20 mins...

Then when talking to the interviewers, I started to get back my confidence. I thought of myself being a salesman, selling a product- me... Of course, I won't do hard-sell. Just wanted to tell them that over these years, what I did is meaningful, and that I could do it effectively. I don't mind being challenged. I still remembered two years ago I went to have interview for ICAC post, I was being challenged by a few questions, then the interviewer said " Mr Wong, are you losing your confidence? Why don't you speak up?" I won't let myself being in this kind of situation again.

Long haven't been dressing in a suit. Actually I like to wear suit (except that in hot summer). When being in certain moments, I feel dressing in suit is a kind of respect to others, and it's my pleasure to respect them. Even though there are many others wearing suits on the street, which made every body looking similar, I still like to wear suits.


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