Driving from within

Sunday, November 27, 2005

License to xxx

In Phil Jackson's "Last Season", there is such a cool term called "License to play". Actually he meant every player has something they are good at, or they are able to do, such as defense, rebound, long-range shot. If they try to do something that they 're not good at or not able to do, they 're doing something that they are not "licensed to play".

So this term can be used by us. Are you license to do something? If you don't have the license, it doesn't mean you can never have it. For some kinds of license, you have to work hard to earn it, for others, you have to learn to get it.

mm.. maybe I can understand the details of something, but I am not able to give a bigger direction. I think being able to give a bigger direction is cool. And the leader should be capable of doing this. Ha, sometimes I just think, I can't give the bigger direction, why should I be the biggest? On the other hand, I want to get this license, to give bigger direction.

適婚年齡? This really triggered my nerve! Well... I am not license to get married yet. I mean, I don't have enough money, haha.

Went to Cheung Kwan O to visit my grandpa, I think it has been another one or two months since I visited him last time. I bought a 菠籮紅豆包 for him. My aunt was there when I arrived, and grandpa was having a bun. Maybe I haven't visit him for long, he didn't turn my face to me, .... until I took out the bun, haha.....Afterall, a 90-something old man is just like a kid...

I was sleeping while taking the MTR, that I couldn't wake up until someone woke me up.....shit.


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