Driving from within

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Got a good chance to talk among we three brothers today. I brought my grandma and the two brothers to yum cha, cos my parents went to visit my grandpa. With my grandma talking not too much, and without my dad here, we brothers can talk whatever we want, of course it's not talking trash, haha.

Without dad, of course it's a good time to talk about him. We came to a conclusion that: what my dad actually concerned is the time and effort we spent on the family. After this talking, I felt suddenly we formed a team, to be more responsible than ever on this family. I really valued the time I spent with my brothers this afternoon, it's really an inner circle meeting.

The dinner tonight was just ok, I mean the price, it's a bit expensive actually.
The significance.. was satisfactory. Maybe I made it bad. Before I would remember the good times and looked forward to it. But when it really came, it 's not that great as expected.
But, still gotta say thank you for the gift!

終於明白點解的演唱會叫"一時無兩". 即係同一時候不可能有兩個存在, 所以即是代表要拆夥. 聽那首歌, 由頭到尾都係講點解要分開. 將分開描寫得完全不覺傷感, 也不是大條道理, 而係好似魔幻一樣, 有點玄妙...


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