Driving from within

Monday, December 05, 2005

Remembering yesterday, 招 really brought us much fun!

Today is a boring day... feeling sleepy in the office, while I nearly finished all my works today. And my boss was sick and absent today, so seems there is no pressure today. Not challenging today, not fun today.

It's really odd, when I am busy, I will try to squeeze something in between, and I would have lots of thoughts. On the other hand, when I am not busy, I dun wanna do anything (even those time-wasters), and my mind is just stuck.

Bored.. so I keep looking at RSS. From knowing RSS, I think maybe I can use the RSS reader to grab all the latest updates of blogs that I am interested on. Then I found Google had a new service called Google Reader, which is an online RSS reader. However, I found that it cannot display some of the Chinese blogs, and more importantly, most xanga doesn't support RSS. So why bother use that? Then.. I searched for some discussion about Google Reader, I found this article Reaction to Google Reader.


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