Driving from within

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Finished the half-marathon today... the net time is 1 hour 44.5 minutes.

This event is worthwhile to take. The atmosphere was very good, there 're officials on the way to cheer you up, and there 're slogans that keep you going. And it's quite a good event to challenge yourself.

The roads that we passed through are all familiar to me; it's nearby where I work, it's the roads I usually drive along. On the roads that I find it cool to drive (ups and down, where I can speed up), I don't find it so cool to run on it, haha, especially those roads are in the last stage of the run...

When I came to the last stage of the run, I ran with a man older than me. We had been taking turns to outrun and then being outrun by each other along the way after coming out from the West Harbour Tunnel. At the last 500m, I just ran as hard as I can, and so he was...... at last, I was still being outrun by him, SHIT. Hope that he started a little bit earlier than me, so that my net time is faster than his, haha.


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