Driving from within

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Still remembering the scene on Sunday, we PolyU rowing team won the Men Overall Championship, and most importantly, the champion of Men Coxed Eight, which this is the first time over 12 years. And it's my pleasure that I trained such a boat. But I think without the crews of these nature and characters, we won't have won it.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Gotta focus more on the career after this week.

Really wanna take a leave next monday, but it looks a bit difficult.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


其實只係睇兩本書既封面就估到兩本書係一對的 (不是兩個作者係一對), 果然連序都係共用.

算唔算閒書兩本? 可能係, 因為只可以睇到佢地用幽默手法寫財經時事, 但睇唔到佢地有幾博大精深.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


其實我都喜歡信報, 不知道是不是由於它差不多每一版都是字多圖少的關係.

時不時都會想, 究竟孔少林, 方卓如離開是否與信報股權即將出售有關... maybe just an my own imagination.

其實現在不一定要看某報紙先可以看到某作者的專欄, 倒不如直接看其Blog 便可以.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Finally I finished reading the book "The world is flat". Ironically, I could finish it because I had quite much time to finish the remaining 30-40 pages, since I accompanied with my little brother to find vacancy in Form 6.

Took a leave yesterday, and then got up even earlier than normal, and then went to the Rosaryhill with my brother. Waiting there for 3 hours, I was relieved finally, cos he got accepted by the school.

Actually among the candidates in the final round (or I 'd call it repechage), he should rank top among, so I was not so worried actually. But I have to wait for the truth anyway.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Some more recent pic of my favourite MJ.
Comparing with me and my elder bro, my dad looked comparatively calm on the results of my little bro. Maybe for one, he didn't expect him to get a very good result, though he also didn't expect he would be in such a marginal case. Also, he looked calm because he might be confident that my little bro could do well in the coming days.

On the other hand, I think between my elder bro and my younger bro, my dad would concern my elder bro more.

Besides concerning my bro, I concern if my dad would feel sad on this, and on the "performance" of we three brothers so far. I dunno if we once again let him down. One thing worthwhile to mention is, my dad was making up the photos taken in the recent England trip which included him, mum and my little bro, while also looking at the photos taken in the England trip more than ten years ago, which included me, my elder bro and my mum. It was quite interesting that he just enjoyed looking at the photos, comparing us in this ten years time. I dunno what was in his mind, but it made me think that no matter what we did right now, he would enjoy at the moment of having three children. Maybe this is what all parents in this world would think afterall.

For me, besides letting him recalling the past memory, what I wanna do is, to make him and my mum enjoying in the coming days. This is not a "maybe", but a must for every children in this world have to do for their parents.

once in a while, I 'd think about this song.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Just knew that my little brother got 13 marks in his HKCEE.

Before I thought those words on the newspaper "成績不是一切" was just for encouraging those who didn't do well. But now I think it's really the case. At least, the results you got at this moment really doesn't affect much to your future.

But at this moment... we/he really have to think about his future path.
Is Enterprise Software Dead?
— Despite the common wisdom that VCs are stupid (yes, some of them are. I maintain a personal list of VCs who I would advise companies to stay away from), I actually think quite a few of them are really smart and I have always learned a lot from conversations with them. What is their issue with enterprise software? Is there money to be made with enterprise software? What is going on?

Monday, August 07, 2006

So nice to see him still playing...MJ

Sunday, August 06, 2006

These days I got no time to think much. I mean I usually think of the meaning of the things around, the meaning of life. However, there is just no time for me to do so.

What I have in mind is, about doing testing in the system, and about training them, and the remaining part of my mind is, I 'd look for more time to rest.

It maybe like a robot actually, but I think there maybe many ppl in Hong Kong doing the same thing as me.

Bought the "Made by Soft Hard" today. Though it is a comedy, I think it's part of the HK culture. Well, comparing with those "alternative" film and music usually talked by my colleagues, I think it is more familiar to me. It's not about taste, it's about the history of HK. Maybe I like the culture about the comedy of HK, that's why I like to collect the movies of Sam Hui, and his brother, and also Stephen Chow.