Driving from within

Monday, September 25, 2006

Being sick today, it's a day of rest today. Taking this time to do those little stuff I won't do during normal days (including normal holidays),

As far as I remember, I would be sick from time to time. Every time I am sick, it feels like I am really having a rest, no matter physically and mentally. In particular, my mind can really take an active rest, i.e. having time to think, imagine, evaluate.

Maybe I can really take this kind of rest day as a milestone for self-evaluation. Everytime I have this chance, I should evaluate and set some targets. And then the next time I am sick again, I should think about what I thought last time and see if I really did something.

mm.... let me think and write more about what the milestone is about this time.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Had lunch with Director of HKO and a group of colleagues yesterday. Actually the DHKO would invite colleagues for lunch from time to time.

Maybe the colleagues are responsible for doing IT, what we talked about during lunch was about IT, what 's the difference of doing IT here and out there, what's the trend of doing IT in HK, etc. For one thing, I knew more about what the project manager did before coming to work here. He worked in several Tel Co. before. What I think is how come he 'd choose to work here, even he had experience of managing bigger projects (which maybe across borders).

For another thing, I know that it's much more comfortable to work here than outside. What did I learn here? What skills do I lack in order to work outside? I thought it's reasonable for the project manager to comment on me as he had much more experience, though I dun like his way of communication. Sometimes I 'd a bit worried of not getting used to work outside. But I dun wanna be like now as always.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Frankly I dun really like the project manager at all.

First from the first impression long time ago, and now from the way he talks.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Knowing that HKO will recruite Scientific Officer again... really want to have a try again.

Maybe this is a chance.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

尋日上堂之間, 同阿 Roy 傾開做野既事, 提及到 "際遇".一個人既事業人工, 與其工作年期係冇直接關係. 而家同我同 team 既一位同事係我之前 Degree 既同學, 佢比我早兩年出身 (因為佢冇讀 Mphil ), 但係佢轉 post 之前既人工比我現在既人工還少. (而家轉左post 人工當堂多左 x K).

又例如 Robin... 一個人既事業人工, 其實真係好睇一個人既際遇, 意思係由佢出來做野, 當中做過既工種, 係什麼公司做過, 不過我覺得最重要係識到什麼人(包括你既客仔), 這些先係 Invaluable Asset.

阿Roy話佢遲可能會讀個 finance 既, master 然後可能轉去做一d financial market 既工種. 我曾也有這想法. 佢而家係做緊同 stock exchange有關既 application, 會熟悉financial market 既運作, 當中也識到bank 既客戶, 所以要轉 field 也是非難事. But for me, it's not so easy.

Just like playing RPG game, you know the size of the area, but there 's still much black area to be explored.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Such a good news that my boss 信哥 gonna have a child!

I think we 're becoming better and better friends.

Unintentionally, 信哥 told me his age, 36, and his horoscope, scorpio. Frankly, i believe more and more that I can communicate well with scorpio, no matter it's male or female.