Driving from within

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Checking my bank account this morning, I finally got my salary, haha! Also, I got my gratuity for my previous contract. Getting my gratuity means I got13 months of salary for one year of work. That's great...

Mm... I 'm looking forward to the arrival of my Air Jordan 3...

Quite enjoyed when watching the Austin Power together with my two brothers. (My little brother said he was to 溫戲... actually he just wanted to remember the scripts). I could keep laughing when hearing the guy saying "One Million Dollars" instead of "One Hundred Million Dollars"... And even me, I can remember certain scripts now.
A: Seems the big boy is coming back.
B: O in fact, he never left us. It's still providing high quality meal at competitive price.
A: Shut up!

This is one of the 笑位 these days, I think I can laugh at anytime when recalling this. Another 笑位 is... "生力岩晒我地!"


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