Driving from within

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Feeling quite tensed today, facing so many problems.

Going back to gym, so good that Steve suggested to ergo, so me, sun, and steve ergoed together. At least, found a way to release some pressure.

Contradiction, while feeling annoyed in the trouble, later I may think it's worthwhile. Let say I got some kids later, I have to know what they think. Unlike my dad, I should talk more to them, not only at the moment they leave to be on their own.

Mm... after having dinner at home, I went back to my place. Sometimes I wonder why I sleep at another place, but anyway I have been living here for 8 years. Bought something to fill up the fringe. Washed the clothes. Played the piano for a while, playing the theme song of the "Piano". Paid more attention while playing this song cos I wanna play it better. Seems got it smoother now. Later I can just relax and play faster. Though I have to handle these household things, I enjoy doing this. This is a way of life I want, just that I dun want to do it alone all the time.


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