Driving from within

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Busy right away when arriving the office. Finding that there were 200 error messages from the servers, immediately checked the integrity of data, searching if there're any missing data, and restoring the lost one. Completing this task, hopefully I can finish another one i.e. configuring the system before lunch time, cos I have to attend a seminar in the afternoon...

The weather turned cooler now, gotta take care. Seems the smell of autumn is gone, with the weather remained cool. I like cooler weather, but maybe I like the change from summer to autumn even more.

Seems like entering a state of roller-coaster, like in the first year of my Mphil. It was harsh during those days, but it's quite interesting (interesting!?), cos you have to drive yourself to the best in one area while enduring in the not-so-good situation in other areas.

Hai, it looks real hard to get the smiles from those I concern. Better not asking for favour, I should just give my smile first.


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