Driving from within

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Rowed 12k in 4x.

Tonight, it's a totally new combination, hung and me, and with Tin and Dee. Hung and me were still at the stern and bow, while Tin at no. 3 and Dee at no. 2. Tin reminded me of how to drive the boat fast, with quick drive and quick release. Actually I know what to do, but I only forgot how to do myself... so really thanks Tin. I know how to compete in the HK champ now...

Also, he reminded something I told others before but seems I forgot now, drive the boat away, the more you can push the boat away (without negative force), the more you move the boat forward. It's first told by Chiang, but seems I forgot. It felt great! As I really learnt (again) something.


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