Driving from within

Monday, December 19, 2005

Play the game as if it's your last.

Live everyday like it's Friday.

How to embrace the present? Above are two ways, only the attitude are different, or the focus are different.

Today it's first night in Sai Wan, since 四叔 came to HK with his family for two weeks. For the last weeks, seems like I was once again incorporated into my family. It's like coming back home from abroad. I felt closer to my family. Now that it's like I have to live on my own again. Actually i like living in both places.

四 叔 used to live with my family when I was little (since he's the youngest kid in the family), or in other words he had been looked after me for some times. That's why I feel quite close to him. Now that he got his own family, having three wonderful kids, I really wanna be like him. Besides my dad, he's the only one having three kids (all boys). My three cousins are really smart, I like them all. Really wanna learn Singlish from them, such that I can talk like my supervisor in PolyU, haha.

Really wanna go to Singapore to see them later!

It really shows something that.. you will feel quite close to those whom you had been living with when you are small. When I was little, my grandparents lived with me, my
四 叔 lived with me, my 細姑姐 lived with me, sometimes I went to live in my 大姑姐's home and my 大姑媽's home. Maybe that's why I feel quite close to them, and also my 表哥s. Even they 're living elsewhere now, or we dun have much chance to talk, I really feel quite close to them. It's a bit odd that... I feel not so close to my 三叔. even though I had chances to live in my 三叔's home, I cried and wanted leave as soon as possible... However, living in my 大姑姐's home, I cried and DUN want to leave...


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