Driving from within

Friday, February 17, 2006

The Eason's concert lastnight was really a great show.

The stage design was simple, and there were not many dancers, but this just provided the best platform for him to show all his music talent! The simple backdrop performance just presented the exact scenario for his songs, and his songs just suitably described the scenario on the stage.

And now, Eason is at a moment that he could play freely, showing his character naturally and let his performance speaking for him. It was really important and successful that others accept his character so that he could be himself on the stage. One word...his performance was "放", if one can find the right path, and be 放 in what ever matters, it's great...

Really gotta say that he's an all-round singer, which he can sing all kind of songs. Unlike some of the singers, he's not limited to certain kind of songs.

And he looked more mature now, maybe because he got his family now.

He didn't speak much during the show... I think why he needed to talk? His show just talked!


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