Driving from within

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Finally made up the mind on how to finish all the jobs before the new job.

I still feel busy, but at least not so messy than before. Except one thing, I should not start the new contract on 1st of Mar and took leaves on the first four days, rather I should start the new contract on 7th Mar so that I can encash the remaining leaves. Since I took the leaves and I only got two days of remaining leaves. So the two days left is really no big deal and it really doesn't matter even I cannot carry the remaining leaves over to my new contract. Also, I took the four day leaves but still I have to come back to work. So it's like I pay myself to come back to work!

Haha, nevermind la... I think it's my responsibility to finish up all the things before starting the new job, just that I made the wrong decision that I start the new contract on 1st mar rather than 7th. Myself is to be blamed.


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