Driving from within

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Got up at 1030 today, felt a little bit down.

Down because I felt strengthless to do what I want to do.

星期日抑鬱症 is something I named for the behavior of my dad, cos he sometimes felt a bit down on Sunday. But this is something for me today.

After having lunch today, I drove grandma back home. She said in the lift, "睇下你, 瘦晒, 食多d 啦, 唔好咁擔心", no matter if she really knew what I exactly worried about, she's telling me to do something I need to do, "唔好咁擔心". Actually what I thought is much more than what she thought.

I went out again after back home, went to CWB to the times square. Had a cup of coffee in the Pacific Coffee, and read the book I brought along for an hour. Then walked for a while in the City super. It's quite ridiculous, in the days when I am not alone, I dun quite like to walk and see in the mall and shops, but now when I am alone, I like to walk around. Hey, it's not about who I am going with, but it's just about timing. Maybe before I thought it's wasting time, and I dun have the energy to do so. But now I 'd rather walk slowly there and try to see everything more clearly. 細味... Also, it's quite enjoyable to walk slowly and see, because in the week days the rythmn is already very fast, so why dun slow down as much as I can in the week ends?


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