Driving from within

Sunday, May 28, 2006

My team of rowing (I said so, because it's part of the rowing team ) started training today.

Hope that there's no more injury, no more sick.

I would be happy if they can concentrate everyday like today.

Seeing them concentrated, then I would feel satisfied (on this aspect). Maybe I would forget other things, or I would feel other things not important. That's why I may have ignored some people by no means. Suddenly, I thought of not treating my ex-gf well during the summer, because I may have ignored her during those days.

Whatever the reason I remembered this kind of things, I feel guilty.

It means something that it doesn't take it granted others would appreciate what you were doing, because those were not the aspect they concerned. On the other hand, it means you should not think too big that you did well in one aspect implies you would do well in another aspect.


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