Driving from within

Thursday, May 11, 2006

The world is flat? The life is short?

If we divide our lives into ten years, we can see that there won't be many ten years before our retirement (if you want to retire). So actually our lives are short. A company may be successful because it can maintain a long-term relationship with certain number of customers. Similarly, our lives may be stable and worry-free because we made certain number of correct decisions.

Of course, the companies cannot see who are the long-term customers, and similarly we cannot see which decision we made is the most significant one to our lives. If we are so sure about everything in the future, it means we already know our future, and actually that's the end of our lives, so why bother to live longer?

That's why the companies have to see every customer as the potential long-term customers, and we have to be careful in making every decision as it may be the most significant.

Though there are so many predictions related to many aspects of our lives, before we know the truth, we still have to let go and see. That's the excitement of life.


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