Driving from within

Monday, October 18, 2004

Investment (from the perspective of relationship)

這兩天真是令我身心俱疲. 去啟發, 勸告, 究竟個天要給我什麼的啟示....

Investing on relationship is the same as investing on a fund. It is a type of long-term investment, from the fund culmulative performance, you know even though the return is negative at this moment, you know in a longer term, it would become positive and go high. You might be confident because you see it from data. But investing on relationship, you would not know whether the return would become positive in a long term. You only know what you 're doing is just keep putting in money (effort), and expecting it would follow the performance of certain kind of fund.

The return? 投資風險可大可小, 就算係保本基金都唔係保證保本....


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