Driving from within

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Reading newspaper yesterday, saying that the increase of oil price maybe due to the investors (or speculators) but not because of the supply/demand. Some scholars warned that it maybe a bubble and will explode some day. So.. gotta be careful while investing in energy-related stocks.

Yesterday I realized and remembered one thing: there is no such word as "easy task" in my dictionary. Everything I achieved and earned are through hard work and seriouness. These days I may have spoiled myself, thinking that I have done my best. Now I gotta denied the words I thought, that everything is destined. If I think something is destined to be like that, that's because I already had something in my mind. Also, I maybe too optimistic that I can achieve certain thing. That is not a visualization of success, but only an imagination of success, which will never be realized. I should always think of the word "struggle".


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