Driving from within

Saturday, October 08, 2005

終於做左全日最期待的事, 今天就好似為這而活. 老實講, 我真是很久沒有這麼期待過...

雖然出了一點意外, 但我會當係對我的一種考驗. 能通過這次考驗,對人生一定有莫大益處.

我覺得以往我就是受不了這種考驗, 所以給人不好的印象... 希望我今次算是合格吧.

Btw, when taking the MTR train towards HK, I saw a girl dressing like going to bar or club, I really wondered if she's going to Wan Chai also. In fact, she really got off at Wan Chai station! But nothing special, getting off there doesn't mean she would be going there...


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