Driving from within

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

中環填海為交通 商業發展不宜多- from Mingpao today.

Frankly, I don't like to see the Victoria Harbour getting smaller and smaller. I dun wanna see the Star Ferry Pier removed (Cos I took pictures there with my dad, when I was 2 years old). But if it's for relieving the traffic congestion and if there will be a beautiful harbour front later, and if this is the LAST reclamation in Central, it's worthwhile.

But remember the aim is to reduce the traffic congestion, not creating traffic congestion. If another crowd of commercial buildings will be there, it will lead to the flow of cars through those areas. So the capacity of the newly built road will soon be saturated. So will there be another round of reclamation? This is useless and meaningless even the Harbour becomes Shing Mun River (Remember long time ago it's Shatin Sea), or even the Harbour is filled.


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