Driving from within

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Tonight, I just joked around for a few seconds, saying "賠啦..." while walking past ric and bowie.

Actually I like to joke around (if I can). Maybe some ppl will say I made bad gag (I dun like this word, actually, even my little bro doesn't like it), but I just like to do that. However, I cannot do it while in the new guys training, cos I have to look around and make sure everything is ok. Also, I want to set an example to the new guys. Come on, trust me, I dun like to 擺款. If I can be the other, I would like to be the one joking around and hanging around.

But exactly during those seconds, I forgot about that and those words just came out naturally.

唔通真係有自唔在, 攞苦來辛?

Those few seconds reminded me of the words Lok said yesterday, Natural High.


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