Driving from within

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Got up at 7am, leaving home at 7:25am. Still forgot to bring along the property management fee downstairs.... It's gonna the middle of the month, but I still forgot to pay the management fee! Anyway, got out earlier than usual. Taking a bus earlier, I thought that I could arrive Hung Hom Tunnel earlier than usual... But no wonder I slept and forgot to get off the bus! f...

I had to walk back to the office from Hung Hom, and got late by 15 minutes.... but I won't forget to buy myself a breakfast in McDonald.

This tv program looks quite interesting: 明報專訊】國際台 11月11日起 逢星期五 晚上9:00


要 說倫敦大橋的建築故事,腦海浮現自然是小時候的歌仔《London Bridge is Falling Down》。早於1176年倫敦大橋建成時,橋上建有教堂等古堡式建築物,聳立泰晤士河之上。建造大橋最難解決的是如何使橋基抵受猛烈的河水衝擊﹔還有紐 約與水曾有一段愛恨交纏的故事,城市心臟地帶原本是一片汪洋。


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