Driving from within

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Mm..... both the old guys 8+ and my 4x can do better.... the most important thing is to be able to settle down, and then doing each stroke one by one. Leg drive...

The next target is.. enter final A.

讀了明報一篇劉細良的訪問. 其實每星期明報都會有讀書人的訪問... 不過今次對劉細良的訪問特感興趣, 可能睇過頭條新聞, 覺得佢好 cool, 相比起梁文道, 同樣係知識份子, 但好似好寸...

劉細良話讀書有一種虛榮感: 大學年代, 閱讀是一種姿態, 拿什麼書是一種身份象徵, 好像今日年輕人穿波鞋, 穿限量版 T恤一樣.

Frankly, I become more interested on reading than before. Long ago, I only read for examinations... (that's studying, actually), but that's not truely reading. Really gotta read more...


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