Driving from within

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Attended the gathering of Sir Matthew Pinsent and Sir Steve Redgrave in the British Consulate General this evening.

Going there was just like entering the world of 鬼佬, no.. actually entering the 鬼佬 rowing community, cos many of those were rowers (many of them were from Yacht Club). We met a woman called Alice Page. No wonder she's the wife of Mark Stamper, who often rowed double in regattas (which we thought beating them is.... no big deal, haha). We had a nice talk, she told us about her rowing life in England. She said she met her husband in another boat house nearby in when in England. With both of them coming from rowing, she told me that she had a double scull as the wedding gift! Amazing! She said she wrote in her wedding gift list with full of rowing equipments, requesting who and who to give them gifts which are all related to rowing. She joked that she told her dad that she would not get married unless she's given a single scull as wedding gift...haha.

It was a bit nervous to meet the two big men. To them, I thought I am suitable to be their cox, in terms of my size, haha. I asked them what drove them to go for so many times of Olympics. Pinsent said he's addicted to winning.... haha...well... yes.. only if they can win...

It was in the form of a cocktail reception, where ppl just chatted and chatted. I felt quite relax in this environment. Got quite a good chance to talk in English.

Some photos taken tonight


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