Driving from within

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Shit.. the rudder of the 4x... I couldn't control it after 1k, too bad that we were outrun by that HK junior. It just reminded me of the double final in the 2004 uchamp. Shit.

For the old guys 8+, they did quite well in the semi-final. Actually they could have done better in the final... but one thing they lack was... rest. They didn't let their body rest. I thought with their physical ability and skill at the time being, they could win the rhkyc, but what they lacked was the preparation. Rest and recover made an important part in the whole race process. You just can't expect you can do all the things on call, nor you have the ability right now. Rest doesn't mean sitting down, chatting, joking. You gotta really lay down and let the body rest.

In general, they have to figure out how to make up their mind, and get prepared for the competition. To win a competition, it's not only about concentrating in the 7-minute race. For a 7-minutes competiiton, you have to at least get prepared for more than 7 minutes.

Anyway, they did something good, so it's great!

Too tired... I can't afford to stay until the dinner in cra. Also, gotta get home for dinner, so that dad won't be too annoyed. Got home at 530pm... slept till dinner time... Listened to some music. Playing the music in the Hi-Fi is really different from playing it in the portable player. Flowing through spacial environment, the sound looks really much better!

remember, 閱讀係一種姿態.


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