Driving from within

Friday, December 09, 2005

This week is quite special, that I was able to have dinner on time with my family for three times (including this Friday night)...

And... having had dinner at the old home, I would go back to sai wan afterwards. Then I would have time to clear up the home, and read books, chatting,... and sleep early!

Afterall, what I concern more is my "presence" at the old home. During the days when I was not free to have dinner on time at home, I will go back to the old home afterward, because I want to have the "presence" (or "attendence") at the old home. But that didn't really help much, because all the family members would be doing something themselves; my dad would just sit and read... (actually that is what he does for most of the time....), my brother would be either sleeping or playing PS2... so this "presence" would not be appreciated. But at the same time, it means I would not go back to sai wan so often. That's why I would not be able to clean up. Then I got blamed for not cleaning it up. What I got in exchange of "presence" at home is.. just blame. That's why I feel unfair.

The way of life this week is quite good, achieving presence while also having time to be in sai wan.


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