Driving from within

Monday, April 17, 2006

so good that I read another chapter of Chris Patten's Not Quite the Diplomat. Frankly, I seldom read this book when I was at home; I usually read it on the train. Reading it at home is much more effective. Somehow I could stand reading it for an hour, though I just finished one chapter.

The chapter is about the relationship of EU with the neighbour countries. One thing interesting was about Russia. He said the EU should have built a better relationship with Russia, Russia had a much better cultural history than Europe. However, his impression on Russia was not quite good at all, the word "corruption" appeared from time to time in this chapter.

It made me wonder how valuable to invest in Russia; it's now so popular to invest fund related to BRIC.

Also, reading the book of Tony made me learnt much. He, as other great investors, emphasized on long term investment on capable stocks (which are of capable companies). I think why they emphasized long term investment because they 've been through short-term investment, no matter having won or lost, they 've learnt many lessons from those short-term investment experience. But turning from doing short-term investment to doing long-term investment doesn't mean they won't care about the techniques of doing short-term, and I think when they 're doing long-term, they would concern the factors related to short-term. Also, I think even they focus on doing long-term, they will still do short-term from time to time (as Warren Buffet will).

In short, you learnt from the pain of doing something bad, that's why you can do the good more wise and better than those just doing the good. So sometimes, it's not bad to do something bad.


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