Driving from within

Monday, July 17, 2006

Dunno what to write here these days...

It doesn't mean I dun have anything in my mind, but I thought something that I wanna write is nothing special, or it 's worthless to write here.

Frankly, busy in coaching in summer made me having little private time, not being able to concentrate on the job, not being able to take any opportunities.

Being bothered so much in summer, I 'd take sick leaves even being just a little bit sick (so little bit that I can even go to gym), so that I can really take a rest. To me, taking rest means I can take care my family business, buying stuff for home, fixing any failure at home (like the door bell I tried to fix today, though still not fixed).

Ai... I am not cheating my boss. Being annoyed is already unhealthy. Stopping for a while, will make me mentally healthy and energetic for the coming days.


  • At 7/19/2006 6:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    same feeling here, but I cant rest, that is the truth


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