Driving from within

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Really dun like the case of selling of assets of PCCW by Lee.

To certain extent, the communication network is an important asset of a city, or even a country. By the way, it was the asset of the Hong Kong Telecom before, which was owned by the government. It's like selling the property of Hong Kong to foreign company. Therefore, it's hard to avoid political concern.

The paper said if he really sold the communication asset of PCCW, what was left for the company would be the property items, such as the Bel- Air. So it would become a property company?

"電盈主席李澤楷向本報強調,他個人意向簡單清楚,就是於是次交易過程中,一定會為小股東賺取最大的利益。"股東願意投資係你間公司, 並唔係在乎那一次半次既回報, 而係在乎於公司長遠既盈利能力. 不過著眼於此既投資者都應該唔會係你既股東.


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