Previous Posts
- From mingpao today:Actually if stocks option is pr...
- Feel a bit busy these days.. so dun have much thou...
- 最近既招股活動之中, 中銀算係俾人最正經既感覺.
- How would it look like after several years? Like t...
- My team of rowing (I said so, because it's part of...
- UML Tutorial
- Not so optimistic on the result of the interview a...
- 付出型(和藹慷慨,富同情心)您是外向、快樂、活力充沛、友善、自信、討人歡心,尤其是樂於助人。您自願為...
- It seems to be me that the interview this Friday i...
- This week, the mood is just like the HSI. Even it ...

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