Driving from within

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Applied leave anyway, as I really wanna go to Japan with my crews.

What and how my boss talked to me is really similar to what I talked to my crews.

So when I am listening to his "comment" on this issue, I am recalling to what I said to my crews when they are not able to practise. Seems like he thought I didn't know how to work as a team, don't I really know how to work in a team? I don't think so, because I am leading a team right now. But it's quite inappropriate to give feedback on this matter using my own experience in the (rowing) team, otherwise it 'd just create more negative atmosphere.

I 'd say my boss is exactly the same kind of person as I am, it's just harsh vs harsh.

Anyway, I accepted his comment, sounds like I am an adult so I should have a clear mind of what I am doing.

This should be the last time that I handled this kind of thing in the team, and this should be the last time I handled the team. Thinking about the pros and cons, I still chose to go to Japan. For my own work, I will do the best to show my quality of work in the project team.

Sometimes, I think what I usually do in my life is: to explore (or exhaust) any available options.


  • At 6/22/2006 10:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    think about the priority arrangement in your mind then you could get the answer.


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