What's more, we are going to Tai Mo Shan to watch the first sun rise in 2005! Carmen said this morning the temperature there was negative 2! I cannot imagine how cold would it be. So let go and see!
Friday, December 31, 2004
What's more, we are going to Tai Mo Shan to watch the first sun rise in 2005! Carmen said this morning the temperature there was negative 2! I cannot imagine how cold would it be. So let go and see!
Monday, December 27, 2004
It's quite a special X'mas holidays. I went to the church on the X'mas eve. Listening to the songs and sitting in the church, I feel peaceful in my mind.
Also, I watched Kung Fu hustle that day.
Then on 25, we went to Fish's home for bbq. I think her home is really special. From there, I could look around Mongkok and West Kowloon. I imagined it was sea just outside her home, this building must have a good scene before!
Then on 26, we watched Kelly 's concert! It's really exciting, though I slept a while. I was so tired after teaching rowing.
Then today, I had to teach rowing for the second day. Really tired... I will sleep early tonight. It 'll be another day of work tmr. Gotta prepared.
Friday, December 24, 2004
It's about style of management. Hey guys, what we 're learning here is Management!
Really gotta 查找不足!
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
I have long been not being pushed so hard for a long time...
Monday, December 20, 2004
Lastnight we went to sze's wedding banquet. The photos were quite nice. What so special is that the photo package includes card-size photos for guests. But the place was just ok, comparatively small than those I went for banquets for the previous times. In conclusion, I would wait until I have enough money for holding a good banquet.
Sunday, December 19, 2004
Then we went to the 工展會 afterward. Though an argument occured in between, luckily we could get back to rythmn.
Got up at 930am this morning, I just wanted to be relax as much as possible on sunday, and it's a good time to handle some family matters. I went to visit grandpa when he was having lunch. He said his appetitewas quite good today. That's great.
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Financial planning case
1)子女教育︰ 假設兩名子女大學經費共60萬元,通脹率5%,投資年回報率10% .所需每月投資︰2100元 (2)退休費用︰ 假設每月退休開支為1.5萬元,退休生活30年,通脹率5%,投資年回報率10% .所需每月投資︰5800元 .扣除強積金每月供款︰4000元 .實質退休每月投資︰1800元(即5800元-4000元) (3)子女教育+退休每月供款共計︰3900元(即2100元+1800元) (4)現時已有的每月供款︰5000元 (5)每月剩餘金額︰1100元(即5000元-3900元)
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Question in my mind
Do we (rowing team) give an impression to the PE section that we have too close association with the rowing club, such that they would think the following two ways:
- We usually recruit ppl from the member from the club, such that there is not guarantee on the quality of the athletes in the team.
- We may get the financial support from the rowing club.
Having such an impression, and with the aim of cutting benefits among all the sports team, they may choose to cut the benefits from our team?
I think on one hand we want to struggle to become an official sports team, but on the other hand we show them that we can choose not to be one? What's our stance?
Sunday, December 12, 2004
Monday, December 06, 2004
From mingpao...
(1)包括151個商場及商舖,總樓面面積達1876萬平方呎,出租率91.7%﹔及29個停車場,總車位7.9萬個,出租率73.4%。 物業規模平均 收入風險分散
(6)房委會作為公營機構,其營運效益相對私營機構為低。據高盛證券計算,2004年度,反映其經營效率的利息及除稅前利潤率(EBIT ratio)只有43.1%,遠低於本港地產商的73%平均盈利率。另一個效益指標是經營成本對收入比率(operating-to-income ratio),2004年度為53.6%,遠高於私人發展商30%至35%的水平。
And yesterday, it turned out that we took photos with Mei in HKU, rather than with carmen's friend.... Luckily we met Mei such that we could take quite many nice pictures...
Friday, December 03, 2004
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
理大教授林本利 投資本錢分四份
林本利年輕時靠編寫教科書賺得第一桶金,然後投資樓市。目前他的個人投資,鋪排得井然有序,猶如將一個餅平均分了四份﹕股票、股票掛高息票據、外幣、存款。 「1984年大學畢業後,便撰寫高考教科書,當時也沒想過賺錢,純粹是興趣,為了滿足感。」後來他的著作出版,由於當時同類教科書不多、競爭少,很快他便站穩陣腳,至今每年銷售佔市場六成多,一套兩冊各賣4000本,數字甚至超越應考人數,成為中學、大學經濟學子人手一本的天書。 寫書賺本錢 轉戰樓市 教科書為林本利賺來人生的「第一桶金」。88年,他以30萬元購入南區鴨洲一個500呎單位﹔後來那層樓升值至110萬元,他把握時機放售,再賺「第二桶金」。
「10多年來,自住的單位也換過3、4次吧,不斷由細變大,但買樓已是昔日的故事,現在樓價太高了。」他拒絕透露高峰期曾擁有的單位數目,只笑言以往收租及「一買一賣」,令他賺了近300萬元,現在他只餘下3個單位,全是自己和家人居住用。 目前他繼續賺取教科書版稅,並從當大學教授、替報章寫文章等工作收入中,分配金錢投資。「原則是要分散,以減低風險,就如把一個餅平均分作四份,包括﹕股票、股票掛高息票據、外幣、存款。」
揀股要息高風險低 他買的股票,全是大藍籌,包括匯控(0005)、恒生(0011)及中電(0002)﹔另外,也有買中資股中較出名的中移動(0941)、中電信(0728)和中石油(0857)。「我會買高息、有實力、有具體業務公司的股票,不會買概念股,風險波幅太大了,這些股兩周內股價可下跌八、九成的。」他現時的股票投資,平均每年為他帶來4厘股息。 另一塊餅,是「結合票據及股票期權」的股票掛高息票據,他只買了匯控(0005)。「也是因為息高嘛,年利率可達8厘,我的心態重穩陣,看重息口多於大手上落。」
「至於買外幣,始於2001年美國開始減息,我看準美元疲弱,便買入英鎊及澳元。了2年後,放售時升值近五成,之前年利率也有3至5厘。不過近年由於匯市處於高位,正逐漸減持了。」 最後是「紅簿仔」出場。「有定期存款、也有存款證,年利率約3厘。儲蓄嘛,是必要的,以應付不時之需。」 年輕宜踏實 別圖投機 身為經濟學教授,林本利的投資心得是﹕「不要信什麼專家,他們不能預測什麼出來的,關鍵是留意市場的一舉一動,市場會自行調節。」
林強調,這個世界沒有「免費午餐」,投資代表風險必然存在,所以投資前應作風險評估,並作最壞打算。「例如萬一失業、患病,那又是否可負擔供一層樓﹖或者突然在股市中蝕大本又是否能承受﹖」 他亦語重心長勉勵年輕人﹕「不要想一步登天,以為投資一定可以賺大錢。年輕時,應腳踏實地工作,積極儲錢,有機會便進修學多點知識,之後再想投資吧。」