Driving from within

Monday, November 14, 2005

The ex-hk team is (yes, present tense) really strong. 佢地真係可以一落場就同你砌, 呢d 先叫勁. 佢地表面係度嘻嘻哈哈, 其實因為佢地真係己經準備好, 兼且信心十足. This is due to their experience, what's experience actually? It's that you can visualize it. They did well before, they faced and tackled difficulties before, and they remembered what they did. Therefore, they can visualize it and get the mind prepared. Before the race really started, they already have the race "played" in their mind for several times.

Some discussion in Google, about the race start. As mentioned by someone, we really need to have a good start...


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