Driving from within

Friday, September 16, 2005

Always feel fresh when walking along the street, but always feel sleepy when being in the office, especially when having to think.

When walking past the 環海樓 towards the Hillwood Road, saw that there 'll be a place called Knutsford Plaza opening soon just at the podium of 環海樓. No wonder the car park of an apartment can be transformed into a street of bars and pubs! What an idea! It may become the extension of the Knutsford Terrace and Hillwood Road, forming a crowd of pubs and bars.

Felt a breeze of wind when walking along the podium of 環海樓. Maybe it's hard to experience this kind of wind in the city. Though I am not borned in the 60s, I can imagine the environment at that time was much more comfortable. This generation maybe experiencing the air-con inside the shopping mall more often than experiencing this kind of wind in outdoor, or they may prefer to be inside the mall cos it 's so crowded and hot on the street.

Well, I like to imagine the environment in the past, and I hope the environment now is like that in the past. It maybe not realistic as mentioned in the ad of ICAC ( the old man said, "舊時舊時, 如果而家仲係好似舊時, 連粥水都冇得你食!") Actually I don't agree with the reaction of that old man, (or it should be the director, cos it's his idea). 那些老人是在懷念舊日環境, 而那個老人是在批判舊日制度. So the two things both parties talked about seem to have no relationship. Actually, what I hope is to achieve certain aspects in the past, but not totally accept the past.



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