Driving from within

Thursday, November 17, 2005

I am not just going to express myself here, I will talk to you all later.
Maybe that's what I used to do in communication: getting more understanding through turbulence. I care you all (not just care what you think), cos I love you guys.
Disappointed on me? Haha... nevermind, I used to let others disappointed.
But I would say you guys didn't disappoint me, cos I believe you all will be better.

Mm... at the same time, another case I have to handle really disappointed me...

Read Lun's diary, did I express similar thought as him? If so, I would wonder why I didn't have this kind of expression ( or passion) on my family, on my brothers? Seems I get something here: If I can lead here, why can't I lead in the family? Maybe my dad was angry (for a long time) that I didn't take the lead in the family, but rather doing that outside? Inside first, then outside, maybe that's what he thought.


Lok gonna take wedding photos today. How nice the weather today is, the photos should be great! He's doing his "final year" project this year... haha.


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