Driving from within

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Finally made up the mind on how to finish all the jobs before the new job.

I still feel busy, but at least not so messy than before. Except one thing, I should not start the new contract on 1st of Mar and took leaves on the first four days, rather I should start the new contract on 7th Mar so that I can encash the remaining leaves. Since I took the leaves and I only got two days of remaining leaves. So the two days left is really no big deal and it really doesn't matter even I cannot carry the remaining leaves over to my new contract. Also, I took the four day leaves but still I have to come back to work. So it's like I pay myself to come back to work!

Haha, nevermind la... I think it's my responsibility to finish up all the things before starting the new job, just that I made the wrong decision that I start the new contract on 1st mar rather than 7th. Myself is to be blamed.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Saturday, February 25, 2006

No purpose, but just had some feeling on these lyrics.

問我有沒有 確實也沒有
一直躲避的藉口 非甚麼大仇
為何舊知己 在最後 變不到老友
不知你是我敵友 已沒法望透
被推著走 跟著生活流
來年陌生的 是昨日最親的某某

早知解散後 各自有 際遇作導遊
奇就奇在 接受了 各自有路走
卻沒人像你 讓我 眼淚背著流
嚴重似情侶 講分手

Friday, February 24, 2006


如果係你要交稅之前你就死左, 咁交稅就唔會發生...
Bought the latest album of Eason this afternoon...

I think what drove me to buy this, is not (only) because of Eason's songs, but (also) because of his daughter. 睇下佢流口水個樣... 真cute!

真係打晒人情牌... but it really made other think Eason's a real man now.

Really, as Michael Jordan said he became a man after he had his family and kids. Frankly.. yes..

Also went to the book store for a walk this afternoon. I would go to the book store from time to time... when I think there's still much I don't know... Just like now, I am thinking of taking certain courses as I think my knowledge is not enough...
From a forwarded email:







Thursday, February 23, 2006

Just be informed that I got the offer from HKO as a programmer. Different to my current post, Research Assistant, the salary of programmer is more. So I 'd say I get promoted!

A friend asked why didn't I find jobs from companies outside, as the salary will be even higher (her current salary is higher than me right now, and she 's asking for more). What I think is, I am not experienced enough in IT field with respect to the number of years I have been working. So I think even I go to find jobs outside, the companies may not offer me the same salary as now. With the coming post of programmer, I think the requirement in IT skills is higher, so I got a chance to learn more practises in programming, and project management. I think Iwill take it as a stepping stone to connect to the requirements of IT jobs. What's more, I know I would have a chance to look at a larger system in the new job, and I wanna look at a larger system. So I 'd say this is the job I want, at this moment.

Thinking about money again, a friend said why I looked so concern on money, on how much I spend. Maybe because I put a relatively large portion of my income in the saving and investment. Maybe people would start to think about having a car at this moment, and I do think I have this ability, but I just choose not to do this. I 'd rather look for opportunities in investment. Maybe when I earn more, I would think on spending more. But basic need is what I will spend on first.

Even got the job, somehow I still feel a little bit unhappy. I am not saying that I am not happy for getting a new job, but somehow there's something else that made me unahppy.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


今早聽千禧年代,有位聽眾表達不滿, "十年啦...塊地足足係度曬左十年啦...都仲未有結果...晒左我地納稅人d 錢, 好似倒錢落海去填維港..."


Tuesday, February 21, 2006

陳奕迅 - 阿牛 Live

Monday, February 20, 2006

One of the things that I like to do is... to watch tv commercials...

I like these commercials very much! Thanks to youtube.com!

Seems I wanted to cry lastnight, but I remembered I really cried in my dream.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

The lost of my phone didn't imply what I should not do, or what I did wrong, but it really gave me some implications. It meant there would be something following.

Few years ago, I lost my 8250, it implied I should stop thinking of something. After some times, something was building up again, until it seems it came to a critical point. And co-incidentally, I lost my phone again, it seemed to be telling me of the same thing again!

Again and again, I gotta say I dun believe in God, but I really think something is destined. Even it's not someone telling you this and that, but it's something telling you this and that......

So many again.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

That's the man I was running with at the end of the half-marathon...
ai... lastnight I went to the hospital...

沖(the 2nd year rowing team member) was injured in a football game, other of the teammmates went to the hospital with him...

The situation was unsure at the beginning, so I just rushed there to see him... luckily he's alright...
I drove him home afterwards....

Friday, February 17, 2006

The Eason's concert lastnight was really a great show.

The stage design was simple, and there were not many dancers, but this just provided the best platform for him to show all his music talent! The simple backdrop performance just presented the exact scenario for his songs, and his songs just suitably described the scenario on the stage.

And now, Eason is at a moment that he could play freely, showing his character naturally and let his performance speaking for him. It was really important and successful that others accept his character so that he could be himself on the stage. One word...his performance was "放", if one can find the right path, and be 放 in what ever matters, it's great...

Really gotta say that he's an all-round singer, which he can sing all kind of songs. Unlike some of the singers, he's not limited to certain kind of songs.

And he looked more mature now, maybe because he got his family now.

He didn't speak much during the show... I think why he needed to talk? His show just talked!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

From HK-kicks.com

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Finished the half-marathon today... the net time is 1 hour 44.5 minutes.

This event is worthwhile to take. The atmosphere was very good, there 're officials on the way to cheer you up, and there 're slogans that keep you going. And it's quite a good event to challenge yourself.

The roads that we passed through are all familiar to me; it's nearby where I work, it's the roads I usually drive along. On the roads that I find it cool to drive (ups and down, where I can speed up), I don't find it so cool to run on it, haha, especially those roads are in the last stage of the run...

When I came to the last stage of the run, I ran with a man older than me. We had been taking turns to outrun and then being outrun by each other along the way after coming out from the West Harbour Tunnel. At the last 500m, I just ran as hard as I can, and so he was...... at last, I was still being outrun by him, SHIT. Hope that he started a little bit earlier than me, so that my net time is faster than his, haha.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Friday, February 10, 2006

It's harder and harder to catch up the new technology, new web services...

In this video, CNet talks about the new service of Google.. the Google Talk incorporated into the Gmail.

Thursday, February 09, 2006


I dun care if it's for valentines' day, but I like this series very much.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The interview yesterday is just ok...

I remembered I am not so exact when answering the question about what I wanna do in the future.

Maybe I dun have an exact idea of what path I wanna choose first. But once I get into the path, I will try to move up along this path. So the focus should be on choosing the path.

Monday, February 06, 2006

國際建築研究機構Emporis 2005年統計顯示,香港是全球擁有最多高樓大廈的城市,其中3個豪宅高踞全球十大摩天住宅...

Anything we can proud of?

From an article in mingpao about fire safety in the high-rise buildings in HK...it presented such an irony...


While made a good start on the final stage of my project last week, gotta keep the project progressing...

Also, gotta start working on the freelance again...

Saturday, February 04, 2006

After reading this article of Kobe, my impression on him changed a little bit. (just a little bit)

My biggest fear is not winning another title. But fear is a great motivator. I'm determined to lead this organization back to the top. The people who once celebrated me are the same people who doubt me now. They say that because I don't have Shaq that I can't win, that it's over. The only thing I truly worry about is that my drive and my will are sometimes too much for my teammates to handle. Do I expect too much from them? How can I elevate them to play with my same passion every night?

What helps me understand and deal with this is the fact that I was once in their shoes. I once played a supporting role on this team. Back then I knew how much pressure Shaquille had on him to win a ring and I also knew I could help. So I studied the game offensively and especially defensively because I knew that if I could harass on the perimeter with him clogging the lane, it would demoralize our opponents more than anything we could do offensively.

I also knew that the teams he played on in the past did not have a closer. No one could take the game over down the stretch or hit the game winner or make the key free throws. Those were Shaq's weaknesses, so I had to step up and make them my strengths. I knew how much more I could bring to the battle, but that wasn't my role. I was a scorer who became a facilitator in order to win.

But now I worry because I know how hard that was for me to learn, how many sleepless nights I had and how much criticism and trade rumors I had to endure before I mastered my role. This is probably what my current teammates are going through. All I can do is pray that one day we will reach the same level of chemistry and understanding that existed between me, Shaq, Rick Fox, Derek Fisher, Robert Horry and all the other players I once went to war with.

The fears I have are soothed a little by the presence of Phil Jackson. Simply put: He is the best coach I have ever played for. Everything I have learned about the game can be traced to him and Tex Winter. They teach the game at such a deeper level than X's and O's. The game is a rhythm, a dance. Phil and Tex have taught me to feel the game. To think the game without thinking, to see without seeing. They taught me how to prepare. How to conceptualize the spirit of my opponents and attack them where they are weak.

I've seen how prepared PJ gets before games, and as the on-court leader he is trusting me to do the same. So I do all the things he has taught me to do before tipoff and once the ball is in the air my mind is at ease and my body is ready to play. I take it to the other team on both ends of the floor. I take pride in being able to do that. I HATE being scored on, even by players who some say are "un-guardable." I don't believe it when they say "Oh, that player is just hot today." F--- that! Cool his ass off then.

When we play on the road and the entire crowd is booing me it doesn't bother me at all. What I think about is simple: "When these fans leave this game I want them to remember how hard I fought and the passion and drive with which I played." I have always played this game with passion. And I always worked hard.

When I saw the movie Rudy I remember thinking, "What if I worked that hard?" God has blessed me both physically and intellectually to play this game, so what would happen if I push as hard as the character in this film? I would love for people to think of me as a talented overachiever. Even though those fans may chant "Kobe sucks" when they leave that arena I want them to walk out with a different feeling than they came in with. When they leave they'll leave with the understanding that they have just witnessed a player give himself completely to his passion; they have just watched an athlete pour every ounce of his heart and soul out on that floor.

And hopefully, when the next volume of my life is all said and done, they will respect and appreciate the years that I spent giving all of me to the game that means everything to me.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Maybe it's because I have to switch job soon, I think more and more about my career. Seems i may have a few choices on my next job, with one I gonna go for an interview next week. I dun want to have many choices only, but I want a good choice (or good choices). Whenever there's a good chance, I will try. I even saw and applied posts of IBM in the mainland.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Just wanna laugh when seeing this picture... Fun with Dick and Jane