Driving from within

Friday, March 31, 2006

Maybe I am quite (or too ) focused on the rowing team (other than my work) before, but gradually I wanna know ppl of different background. Had dinner with the colleagues lastnight, and had a nice chat with them. It's like going into a baseball team from a basketball team. The sports nature is different, but more importantly, the life is different.

Just wanna have a life where I can focus on my work in day time, and then after work, either working out, gather with friends, see the family and the loved one (if I have), or studying, reading, playing piano, or working on something I am interested on.

I dun like the sport of rowing? Yes, I love it. I think Michael Jordan still plays basketball once in a while, for the love of the game, and I 'd say I play more serious than him when I dun really have to compete in this sport, I 'd enjoy in improving in this sport, but I am gradually tired on pushing in this team.

Maybe someone will say, "why are you so chicken that you want to escape from the pressure here? There are many more ppl dealing with the pressure here, and they 're dealing with a much greater pressure than you." Well, I think I can deal with the pressure if I wanna to, just that I want to use the energy of dealing with the pressure here in other areas.

"When I lose, the sense of motivation, sense of to prove something as a basketball player, i think it's time for me to move away from the game of basketball".

But I won't give up at least till this summer.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Just as 李兆基 increase the shares of HK and China Gas constantly these days, it caught my attention of "buybacks" again. Before I read the book about Warren Buffet. He liked to buy those stocks that the company will buy back its own shares, so that the values of his shares will be increased. Also, just read an article in Fortune about the issues of buyback of shares. It said usually it meant the price of the shares are undervalued. So does that mean the price of the stocks of HK and China Gas are undervalued?
Went to get a new mobile number for my mum today. Why? Not because she wanna escape from calls from someone, she just wanna get a better number, which ends with "8" and with no "4". Fung Shui reasons....

風水? 迷信? What's the difference? I think there should be some differences. I think aims to create an environment that makes you feel more comfortable. Maybe that's why ppl would feel more energetic and more confident, and that's why they will feel smooth in their life.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Reading 信報 of today, found one article titled as "的士司機給微軟組理上MBA課", then I immediately searched the blog of that manager.




"成本是不能按公里算的,只能按时间算。你看,计价器有一个“检查”功能。你可以看到一天的详细记录。我做过数据分析,每次载客之间的空驶时间平均为7分 钟。如果上来一个起步价,10元,大概要开10分钟。也就是每一个10元的客人要花17分钟的成本,就是9.8元。不赚钱啊!如果说做浦东、杭州、青浦的 客人是吃饭,做10元的客人连吃菜都算不上,只能算是撒了些味精。"
"千万不能被客户拉了满街跑。而是通过选择停车的地点,时间,和客户,主动地决定你要去的地方。”我非常惊讶,这听上去很有意思。“有人说做出租车司机是靠 运气吃饭的职业。我以为不是。你要站在客户的位置上,从客户的角度去思考。”这句话听上去很专业,有点象很多商业管理培训老师说的“put yourself into others' shoes."

“再给你举个例子。那天人民广场,三个人在前面招手。一个年轻女子,拿着小包,刚买完东西。还有一对青年男女,一看就是逛街的。第三个是个里面穿绒衬衫 的,外面羽绒服的男子,拿着笔记本包。我看一个人只要3秒钟。我毫不犹豫地停在这个男子面前。这个男的上车后说:延安高架、南北高架~~~还没说后面就忍 不住问,为什么你毫不犹豫地开到我面前?前面还有两个人,他们要是想上车,我也不好意思和他们抢。我回答说,中午的时候,还有十几分钟就1点了。那个女孩 子是中午溜出来买东西的,估计公司很近;那对男女是游客,没拿什么东西,不会去很远;你是出去办事的,拿着笔记本包,一看就是公务。而且这个时候出去,估 计应该不会近。那个男的就说,你说对了,去宝山。”

“有一次一个人打车去火车站,问怎么走。他说这么这么走。我说慢,上高架,再这么这么走。他说,这就绕远了。我说,没关系,你经常走你有经验,你那 么走50块,你按我的走法,等里程表50块了,我就翻表。你只给50快就好了,多的算我的。按你说的那么走要50分钟,我带你这么走只要25分钟。最后, 按我的路走,多走了4公里,快了25分钟,我只收了50块。乘客很高兴,省了10元钱左右。这4公里对我来说就是1块多钱的油钱。我相当于用1元多钱买了 25分钟。我刚才说了,我一小时的成本34.5块,我多合算啊!”


“要懂得体味工作带给你的美。堵在人民广场的时候,很多司机抱怨,又堵车了!真是倒霉。千万不要这样,用心体会一下这个城市的美,外面有很多漂亮的 女孩子经过,非常现代的高楼大厦,虽然买不起,但是却可以用欣赏的眼光去享受。开车去机场,看着两边的绿色,冬天是白色的,多美啊。再看看里程表,100 多了,就更美了!每一样工作都有她美丽的地方,我们要懂得从工作中体会这种美丽。”


From mingpao,

The back is still a bit painful. I think i have to stand up more in the office and stretch more...

The frequency of standing up and stretch is far less than before.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

This week is quite a busy but happy week, having gatherings on mon, wed and fri.

It's time to have a rest.... and settle down for works...

My back is painful right now...

Friday, March 24, 2006

Thursday, March 23, 2006

同兩位同事食lunch. 他們的話題都離不開食. 兩個都是從澳洲回來的, 所以講起澳洲就特別投契, 但其實他們都很清楚在香港周圍有什麼好吃的, 好似兩幅活地圖, 相反我就好多都不知道. 講食我就真的搭唔上嘴, 不過好高興可以知道多有關食既野.

其實識食就係一種享受生活既態度. 做野賺錢固然重要, 但賺到錢不懂享受簡直就係白費努力.

我真的好想有個人帶我去享受, 否則這一生就係白過.
徐步高事件令人由關注事件的本身到 關注報紙報導事件的手法及真確性

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Enter your birthday in A.C. Calendar in google, then you will know your birthday in Lunar Calendar!

From Jan's tech blog.
Started to have a habit to listen to the radio or songs in the office, dunno whether it's good...

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Monday, March 20, 2006

Sometimes, I feel desperate on my team of working... when knowing that most of the team members will have their contract ending in this July.

Also, I 'd wonder their attitude towards their tasks on hand, as they are not obliged to complete the project before leaving.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

I hate keep being mentioned about my cousin's wedding!


When being in the game, I 'll get focused and forget about other things. But after the game, I will remind myself that is no big deal. The most important is that, I can bring my way of focusing on the game to the reality which matters more.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

九鐵事件以及尖沙咀警員駁火, 活像兩套戲. 雖然電影題材離不開現實生活, 但這次想不到電影的情節真的在現實發生, 唯一的是所有細節不能活現眼前.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Thursday, March 16, 2006

有d 野雖然係已知, 但經人地口中講出, 加上人地好似已經得到了些什麼, 所以覺得特別唔好受...

呢排用多左少少錢, 可能因為轉組後, 多左同同事一齊食飯. 但係同佢地食飯, 好多時都要三十左右, 加上自己唔食個熱既早餐(即係茶餐廳或者McDonald)就好似朝早冇精神,所以要用多錢.

Here is an interesting web browser plug-in that converts all prices from U.S. Dollars into the equivalent value in barrels of crude oil.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

My mum said she wanna celebrate my birthday.
其實我真係好羞愧, 來到接近三十歲(雖然仲有兩年), 事業不見得有成, 也沒有穩定伴侶, 又不用給家用,
對家都可算是沒有多大付出, 也沒有為家帶來什麼希望, 還要慶祝?

如果要慶祝, 我覺得要慶祝阿媽生左我廿八年, 而唔係慶祝我廿八歲, 因為辛苦的是她, 不是我.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

The KCR matter... another story about management.

The implication?
A way to make the AJXI sole to become white again.... from NikeTalk.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Finally got a chance to read the newspaper in more details...

These days though I didn't have much free time to read the newspaper, the matter of KCR attracted my attention. The first impression on this matter is that, how come it's so easy to turn over a president? and how come they had such move without any hint before?

Seems there's much inside story in this matter. Really related to the intention of 兵變?

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Got a good news today... that my cousin (just half a year younger than me) will get married in the coming May.

Of course, it's really a good news.

To me, however, it once again, or it formed a bigger pressure over myself. Long ago, I realized that I lagged behind the ppl at the same age, no matter in personal development or others, I thought the situation getting worse and worse. The distant maybe the same, just that as I am getting older, I will take it more and more serious.

I think besides the age factor, I am making consistent progress on my own development, just that when I am comparing with others, I feel being left behind. I know I have to face it calmly, but comparison is unavoidable.

I won't blame others, but I wonder if it's really that useful to study Mphil (just opposite to a friend studying MPhil right now, she's hunger for studying than I do). Too bad....

I think that's one of the reasons that I feel bad mood these days. Just before I just spread my temper to my mum... sorry about that, but at that moment I was really pissed off....

Friday, March 10, 2006

Attended the first team meeting after changing to the new post.

I 'd concern more how others do the talking, and what others would do the talking. As such, I am looking at what qualities needed to be the higher post in this industry. Suddenly I realize the interesting side of doing this job because I found something that I dun know and I wanna know, or I 'd say I found something that I need to learn this year, besides becoming familiar to the system.

Well... sometimes, I 'd focus more on the quality of a person (rather) than the knowledge that a person has. Suddenly I think, if I have to get higher, I have to get through and being able to handle those stuff I mentioned.

Still I will become bad mood easily these days... too much matters between ppl, and some personal emotion in addition...

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

It's not only about the technical skill, actually more importantly is, how you can work with others.
I think this distinguish how effective you are, instead of the technical skill you have.

It's like in terms of rowing. Sculling requires you to have individual skill, but rowing requires you more than skill, it requires the cooperation with others.

In the process of adapting to the new environment right now. Well... about the physical environment, I really dunno why they dropped the block on the window. Because they dun want the ppl in the building outside see us? But not able to look at outside made me feel restricted in the office... the sight area is just too small...
Started my first day of work today...

Seems like returning to the scene two years ago, seems I am learning something that I am supposed to learn two years ago. Many practises, many terminology, many technology.

This time it's really a big system....

Too busy these days.....

Bought a notebook on Sunday.... well... though buying it for 8xxx, I think it's worthwhile if I go on to do the freelance project... it's more convenient. Maybe take it as an investment before there's any return.

My Notebook

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Just wanna start the freelance again...
finally got a (pre-defined) solution on it....

Suddenly think of having a notebook, so that I can have the same environment to work on it... but then I have to spend a few thousands to buy one....... seems it's too much to buy a notebook for a freelance project...
Have you waste yourself?


燃油被吸管抽乾了 能源盡耗
農田被剷車剷光 食物卻偏要倒
叢林被斧頭斬低了 淪為舊書報
人人什麼都得到 但沒變得更好

好風光 看過了 便互望 原來從來未拍低
好東西 見慣了 沒特別 原來浮華盛世 人人浪費

可以做沙律的菜 為何腐爛成這樣
可以做新衫的布 淪為垃圾 誰又要 來換上
可以做單車的鋼 做了子彈與手槍
天賦是充足不過 完全用錯 成就了 錯對象

明明十箱新衫新褲 如常換季
前日大屋裝修好 後日已經拆毀
全場電燈泡都開了 誰忘掉熄掣
誰人又親身飾演 被浪費的那位

好風光 看過了 便互望 原來從來未拍低
好東西 見慣了 沒特別 原來浮華盛世 人人浪費

可以做總統的你 做了家中那廳長
可以做畫家的你 才華沒有 誰賣賬 誰賣賬
可以做歌星的你 沒有FANS要簽名
可愛又可親的我 為何沒有 榮獲你 當偶像

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Not in good mood today....

Just had the thought that no one in this world understands me...

Went to rowing in the afternoon.. no wonder I could do 16k non-stop easily.... maybe it's due to the emotion?

Just felt a little bit better after rowing.. but then when coming out of the Mongkok KCR station, an annoying girl kept asking me to do a questionair for her.. I was being bothered to such an extent, that I shouted to her! (I am sure everyone around heard my voice).... The old temper came out again...

Thursday, March 02, 2006

You-know-who (not that one in Harry Potter) is signing his shoes...

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Cost effectiveness.....

in Hong Kong, it's called 成本效益.

in the mainland, it's called.........性價比....

Searching in the Google, it's quite a common word in the mainland, it's commonly used for describing the cost effectiveness of IT products such as digital cameras.

What I like being in R4 before is, I have so many great bosses, Poon sir, 信哥 and Christina.

That word is heard from Poon sir, he's having high requirements, but from him, I can hear many things about the business world. Obviously he keeps an eyes on the business world. From the first sight, I think you won't think he's working in HKO if he doesn't tell you. I 'd think he rather looks like a businessman.

Somehow I just think today, actually I like knowing things about the business more than on the IT technology. I dun mean I dun like IT technology, but seems I like to go deeper down the business aspect more than the technology aspect... This made me wonder how should I go in the road ahead. Of course this is just an sudden idea, but this sudden idea comes into my mind from time to time.
First day of holiday at home before starting the new job, also the first day of work at home...

Maybe feeling too busy these days, I didn't have time... or I 'd say I forgot to show my thanks and gratitude to my bosses and colleagues for their kindness and efforts on me and my work. Really sorry about that. I will go back tomorrow....