Driving from within

Thursday, June 29, 2006

早排父親節, 送左一個新電話俾老豆, 換來一句"你都唔了解你老豆", 個時真係非常心痛.

不過尋晚佢主動同我講, "唔好意思, 我仲未用個新電話"...再者, 之前佢知道我係個AP 既 application 衰左, 都有主動同我傾下, 又叫我唔駛灰心...

唔知係咪係咪佢見我都緊張自己個 career, 所以先覺得我"了解佢"? 其實我一直都有諗住我既career, 唔通我真係要成日令佢覺得我緊張呢樣野先放心?

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

一個人睇八個人, 有時真係腰心腰肺....

雖然佢地係同一條艇, 你唔可以當佢地係同一個人. 每個人在不同時候會有高低起伏, 只要每日有一個人有問題, 咁就足以煩足一星期. 佢地可以有問題, 但你就一定唔可以有問題.

照顧不了他們係咪即係我將來照顧不了小孩? 如果我真的有小孩, 我都不會有八個咁多, 亦都冇可能一次過有八個咁多.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Gonna go to Japan next week.

While going to the same place, I 'd compare the situation of myself with last year. I 'd think what I got, and what I lost.

Maybe one major difference is that I am alone now. Though it's me who chose to give up, I maybe really deserved. I just recalled that how ridiculous I was when I got screwed up, seems like I really screwed something up rather than being screwed up. Really sorry to her.

I am a kind of person who like to remember the past. I wanted to visit my grandpa at least once every two weeks because I remembered there's one photo of him with me (when I was 2 years old) in the beach, though I have no memory of it.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Finally know the result of the job interview, as expected, i am failed.

其實都係意料之中, 獲得新合約既同事, 都係呢個project做左較長時間, 即使我既technical skill 好過佢地, 都未可以勝過佢地.

與其做到好似"公開招標", 倒不如來個"內部認購", 又或者 Internal selection, 呢件事就好似管理層做的一場戲.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Really dun like the case of selling of assets of PCCW by Lee.

To certain extent, the communication network is an important asset of a city, or even a country. By the way, it was the asset of the Hong Kong Telecom before, which was owned by the government. It's like selling the property of Hong Kong to foreign company. Therefore, it's hard to avoid political concern.

The paper said if he really sold the communication asset of PCCW, what was left for the company would be the property items, such as the Bel- Air. So it would become a property company?

"電盈主席李澤楷向本報強調,他個人意向簡單清楚,就是於是次交易過程中,一定會為小股東賺取最大的利益。"股東願意投資係你間公司, 並唔係在乎那一次半次既回報, 而係在乎於公司長遠既盈利能力. 不過著眼於此既投資者都應該唔會係你既股東.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Applied leave anyway, as I really wanna go to Japan with my crews.

What and how my boss talked to me is really similar to what I talked to my crews.

So when I am listening to his "comment" on this issue, I am recalling to what I said to my crews when they are not able to practise. Seems like he thought I didn't know how to work as a team, don't I really know how to work in a team? I don't think so, because I am leading a team right now. But it's quite inappropriate to give feedback on this matter using my own experience in the (rowing) team, otherwise it 'd just create more negative atmosphere.

I 'd say my boss is exactly the same kind of person as I am, it's just harsh vs harsh.

Anyway, I accepted his comment, sounds like I am an adult so I should have a clear mind of what I am doing.

This should be the last time that I handled this kind of thing in the team, and this should be the last time I handled the team. Thinking about the pros and cons, I still chose to go to Japan. For my own work, I will do the best to show my quality of work in the project team.

Sometimes, I think what I usually do in my life is: to explore (or exhaust) any available options.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Feel like in a 困局.

百事不順, 工作非常繁忙, 划艇訓練效果暫時沒有明顯進步, 相反有這個病, 那個傷.

當然, 盡量不會把事情混為一談, 但心情這東西有時很難控制, 我都係一個人, 總有心情好心情差.

邊個頂唔住都好, 我都要頂住.

Frankly, rowing team added complexities to my life, but do I need to have this kind of complexity?

雖然壓力呢兩個字近來實在用得太濫, 但不得不承認我有這個感覺.

Monday, June 12, 2006

From time to time, this question will come up my mind:

What do I have now?

I gotta say I am a moody person.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Working on Saturday has the advantages that, it maybe even easier to concentrate on the unfinished work.

My mind is more calm and concentrated than in week days (thought i am writing this right now).

It's like it's the retreat days for the teachers, that it's a good time for evaluation and collaboration.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Monday, June 05, 2006

From mingpao today:

Actually if stocks option is provided in the acquisition, it just means there's change in the hierarchy. It looks like Cathay will become under Citic rather than being in the same level of hierarchy before the acquisition.

















Feel a bit busy these days.. so dun have much thought, nor do I have time to think much.

情繫股市, it doesn't mean I am crazy on the market, but the flow of market may be significant to my mood...

Thursday, June 01, 2006

最近既招股活動之中, 中銀算係俾人最正經既感覺.