Driving from within

Friday, September 30, 2005

Just had lunch with my two bosses in Star Cafe. I am treated, ha!

I never had lunch with both of them at the same time. They said it was to thank me for my work in the past 1.5 year. I have to thank them for their appreciation too! They told me that I was ranked high in the candidate list in the recruitment, haha.

And next week, it will be the start of my new contract, probably my last contract in HKO. It just reminded me that it would be my last day if I haven't have the contract extended. Well... maybe I should make it as a fresh new start when I come back next week!
Found a game: Suodoku Puzzle
心情, 就好似一些指數一樣, 曾經一度衝破阻力位, 但不久又回到之前窄幅上落既位置. 哈, 恐怕會留係呢個位置好一段時間. 期望可以蘊釀出上升既動力.

haha, 以上只是一個比喻. 因為近來又開始留意財經金融.

雖然自己說得大方, 但內心其實是有一點意思. Anyway just take it easy, and go constructively. Or I should "prepare for the worst, and try the best"? That is the way I adopt often.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

有時都幾矛盾, 當你想賣一隻股票時, 你會set 個價高d, 但到你真係賣到隻股票時(特別係當你想止蝕時), 其實個價可能係升緊. 所以係個時都幾窩心(其實係痛心先岩)....

Reading Steve's diary,
I think the old ghosts felt exactly the same as you last year.
See if I can bid this...
Quite weird,

I feel my mom's care more when she talked to me than by other means, but I feel my dad's care more through his words in letters or emails than by talking to him! They are going to Australia for a week. and they talked to me on phone when they were in the airport. Well, my dad maybe having a cup of coffee in the Pacific Coffee and seeing that there was Internet access... he wrote me a few words through email. What he talked is almost the same as what he said a few days ago. But this time, without his voice and his tone, somehow I can truely see his concern, without prejudice.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

From the land auction yesterday, the price of the flats there will be $9k/ sq. ft. later? O.... what the hell..... well.. hope that it's really 「麵粉(地價)貴過麵包(現樓價)」!

亞視將開拍處境喜劇《喜有此理》邀請盧海鵬過檔,其餘卡士有陳秀雯、李香琴、恬妞等。...參照商台《十八樓C座》即日錄即日播的做法... 處境喜劇難寫,必須依靠角色性格和精警對白,時事評論式的處境劇,難度更高,有能力對時事作出幽默批評的,香港有幾多位﹖難寫、資源損耗大、無賣埠價值——亞視有必要清楚劇種的缺點。
Nokia joins Eclipse foundation as strategic developer and board member

"Nokia and the Eclipse Foundation today announced that Nokia has joined the Eclipse Foundation as a Strategic Developer and Board member... Nokia and the Eclipse Foundation today announced that Nokia has joined the Eclipse Foundation as a Strategic Developer and Board member... Mobile software developers will benefit from Nokia's decision to join Eclipse in several ways: The consistent, widely adopted Eclipse development tool platform will make it easy for new mobile developers to create applications and solutions for Nokia platforms."

"Mobile computing is an important part of Eclipse's future and supports our goal of delivering a universal tools platform," said Mike Milinkovich, executive director, Eclipse Foundation. "We are pleased to have an industry leader like Nokia on board as a Strategic Developer and actively leading key new projects focused on J2ME and mobility."


Tuesday, September 27, 2005

That's what Michael Jordan doing when he was 28: get the first glimpse of NBA Championship....
I remembered lastnight I was quite pissed off when seeing someone talked without respect to Mrs Ngai. She's one of the few ppl in PolyU that i respect. I won't allow such thing happened.
My dad called me lastnight... just for telling me how to do in an interview!

I think not many dad will call their sons for that... but my dad did. At that moment, I didn't pay much attentiont to what he said, cos much of what he said is unneeded. O come on, I got a job by myself for quite many times, I know what i should wear and how I should perform. But he also gave me some inspiring questions, so.. I 'd like to thank him for reminding me that (not at that moment).

Just coffee is not enough, but hot coffee is needed to wake me up!

Monday, September 26, 2005

Google Search: 台北城市划船賽

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Microsoft's nightmare inches closer to reality

The Web...exists today as a collection of technologies that deliver some interesting solutions today, and will grow rapidly in the coming years into a full-fledged platform (underlined for emphasis in the original memo) that will rival--and even surpass--Microsoft's Windows...
fold its MSN Web portal business into its platform product development group, where Windows is developed....Google, with its massive array of networked computers and Web-based software, is rapidly expanding beyond its traditional search business and is about to collide with Gates & Co.
Just like what it said in Touch , 需要確認一個出發點,才會有鬥志去比賽.

I have been feeling the pressure from myself. If my dad knew I was more or less the same as him, he should know I am having this pressure right now. So why bother he give me more pressure? What he gave me is exactly the same as what I have on myself, that means I have to face double pressure. It's quite hard to thank him for bringing me to this world, if he keeps on like this.

At this moment, he is not one of the 出發點 of mine. In fact, no body is at this moment. I hope somebody will be one at least.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Yesterday, 30min ergo: 7799 (1:55.4)

Shit... 1m...
when feeling sleepy in the office... the best way to wake up is to look at the uchamp photos... seeing those guys being thrown in the water, haha.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Xeno Muller, Matthew Pinsent, and Lance Armstrong have two things in common: They dedicated to the sports they love for a long time. Another thing is... they can make a living by doing the sport they love...haha.

Actually Michael Jordan is another one suited the conditions, only he can count on the endorsement, haha.

My Air Jordan 3. This photo was taken three years ago. Now this pair of shoes is much older than shown...... The white sole and the white area at the back are all in yellow now.

I think this is the most casual and comfortable one among the AJs I have, such that I can wear it on the street and for playing ball (though i play very little often now). I really wanna look for replacement of this pair of shoes.
Iron Oarsman, with Xeno Muller

Stroke cycle on boat and erg: http://www.invernessrowingclub.co.uk/personal/xeno/xeno_water.html
Saw Google and Microsoft in various media these days, e.g. newspaper, web, Business Week...

The Google and Microsoft got my attention these days, as one of the Microsoft ex (a Chinese!) walked away ( or being grabbed away) from Microsoft to Google. It concerns me of how Google is becoming a software giant from just a company running a famous search engine. It also raised my attention on the organization structure of Microsoft. It has the problem of bureaucrazy that most large organizations have.

It's quite a management issue, a technology issue, a creativity issue.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

今天上午總算完成了一些工作, 雖然是在半睡狀態中完成. 最近每晚都差不多一時才睡... 看來今晚可以早一點了... 哈, 不要緊, 都是自願的.

剛收到警察部通知, 叫我去面試. 不要誤會, 我不是去考警察, 而是警察部的IT job. 還以為沒有希望, 因為上次補送文件比較遲, 以為一定趕不及. 無論如何, 要盡力而為...
From Mingpao:

文化評論人邵家臻表示,時下青少年流行「聯群結隊」的玩耍文化,朋輩間喜歡各自找朋友加入一起活動,人數有時多達 20至30人,這種行為稱為「搭棚」。他指「搭棚」的朋輩間關係非常疏離,各人互相認識不深,容易產生衝突,往往因言語或爭女朋問題而起爭執,甚至可能有 人因長相「騎呢」而成為眾人取笑或圍攻目標。

There're good sides and bad sides of
搭棚 activity. The good side is increasing the networking, knowing more ppl. The bad side is leading to violence, like what the news described. I think it rarely happens among educated ppl. But you never know what others are thinking. Intentions...

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

下 一 次 綜 合 招 聘 考 試 定 於 2005 年 12 月 3 日 ( 星 期 六 ) 在 香 港 舉 行 。 當 局 亦 會 視 乎 需 求 於 2006 年 1 月 21 日 ( 星 期 六 ) 在 六 個 海 外 城 市 設 立 試 場 , 包 括 倫 敦 、 三 藩 市 、 紐 約 、 多 倫 多 、 溫 哥 華 和 悉 尼 。 申 請 日 期 由 2005 年 10 月 1 日 至 10 月 18 日 。 有 關 申 請 程 序 的 詳 情 將 於 10 月 1 日 於 本 網 頁 公 布 。

Monday, September 19, 2005

【明 報專訊】香港再現垂危古樹。繼林村許願樹在農曆新年折幹,九龍公園全港最大的榕樹亦「危在旦夕」,兩名樹木專家均認為,這棵年近200歲、正值壯年的 細葉榕有可能會步向死亡。...垂危的榕樹是全港最大的細葉榕,多次獲政府、專家和市民選為冠軍樹和市區樹王。這棵近200歲的榕樹高18米,樹冠闊27 米,樹幹直徑4.3米。...現時被列入「古樹名木冊」的526棵古樹中,有512棵由康文署管理。署方表示,除九龍公園細葉榕,中區政府合署近下亞厘畢 道的細葉榕和西貢公路近北圍的印度橡樹亦生病,現正適當護理。

唉..... 康文署班人究竟做咩架! 保育啊, 究竟他們知唔知呢d 都係香港的財產.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Hope that tmr will be truely a holiday...
Claiming to be at the management level instead of claiming to be "not at the operation level" is much more suitable, and it will give a clearer status.

In my point of view, it's still in a 畸形 situation.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Always feel fresh when walking along the street, but always feel sleepy when being in the office, especially when having to think.

When walking past the 環海樓 towards the Hillwood Road, saw that there 'll be a place called Knutsford Plaza opening soon just at the podium of 環海樓. No wonder the car park of an apartment can be transformed into a street of bars and pubs! What an idea! It may become the extension of the Knutsford Terrace and Hillwood Road, forming a crowd of pubs and bars.

Felt a breeze of wind when walking along the podium of 環海樓. Maybe it's hard to experience this kind of wind in the city. Though I am not borned in the 60s, I can imagine the environment at that time was much more comfortable. This generation maybe experiencing the air-con inside the shopping mall more often than experiencing this kind of wind in outdoor, or they may prefer to be inside the mall cos it 's so crowded and hot on the street.

Well, I like to imagine the environment in the past, and I hope the environment now is like that in the past. It maybe not realistic as mentioned in the ad of ICAC ( the old man said, "舊時舊時, 如果而家仲係好似舊時, 連粥水都冇得你食!") Actually I don't agree with the reaction of that old man, (or it should be the director, cos it's his idea). 那些老人是在懷念舊日環境, 而那個老人是在批判舊日制度. So the two things both parties talked about seem to have no relationship. Actually, what I hope is to achieve certain aspects in the past, but not totally accept the past.

Shit, complicated in the programming.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Well.. still got a little bit flu... very sleepy while in the office...slept nearly for half an hour before going downstairs for lunch...

Knowing from my boss that another branch also implemented a workflow management system, which is of larger-scaled. The system is now in user-acceptance test! I think it must be much more sophisticated. I really wanna have a look at it. While that one is implemented by a team, this one is implemented only by me. No way to compare... But I think having seen that one may boost me to do better on my one. I dun want it to be useless after I left, otherwise, it will mean the first half contract I worked in HKO is just a waste of time.

Wanna expose more to different system design.

Abrupt change? No, I think it's gradual change. Just like digitizing an analog signal, the sampled signal may only contain 0 and 1, but the waveform of the original signal may contain many upwards and downwards.
Find IP address- resolving it into DNS, finding its location.


Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Too bad.. it's one of my favourite tv programmes....

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

My boss showed me the appraisal he did for me. The conclusion is that I am "Very effective". "Knowledgeable in IT, good analytical skill, good programming technique, but be careful on error-checking to avoid iterations in ironing out the solutions". mm... These comments are as a result of my work over this year. Can I maintain the same quality in the coming year? of course! But at the same time, i rather need more comments on my personality...

Had lunch with Lok today. He 's such a good friend of mine, that just having been back from US yesterday, he called me for lunch. Quite often, we would talk about the things around, the PE section matters, the rowing team matters, and also the keep-fit matters. Haha, we normally talked about training to fit, today we talked about the heartrate during exercising. I still remembered that he called me "Low Heart Rate man", ha. Well.. last time when I go to A&E, the doctor asked me if my heartrate was that low in average...

Today, we also talked about relationship matters. This is a topic that we won't go into detail before. What he said in brief is just about two words: 包容. I totally agree with him. I think this is all under one condition, love. Love is just 無私奉獻, with 包容 already included. So whether one can afford any difference or argument is basically the "Hence, or otherwise" matter of the condition.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Sorry to my family and the team.
It's quite hard to satisfy both sides. While I need to go back home before 730pm due to family matters, I didn't wanna leave the school tonight (especially when situation was a bit messy). Mm... dilemma...

Sometimes I have to do something to convince my family that I didn't leave them alone, or that I didn't put all my time on rowing.

Unlike last year, when I have no worry on one aspect, I can put all my effort on another aspect. But this year, I have some worries. Maybe there's one way out, is that I have to be able to handle things separately.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

To myself,
不要將自己諗到咁大, You 're not on the top (of many things) yet, you 're still at the bottom.
It's just like playing a RPG game, dun think about how much you explored (the clear area), but think about how much you hasn't explore (the dark area). And remember the book "Who moved my cheese?", you 're just at a corner, you gotta walk out.

On my life, my career, etc:
許久沒有這種掌握不到的感覺. But it's this feeling that can make another breakthrough possible. What I need is the momentum.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Sitting in the Pacific Coffee in Wan Chai right now. I took a half-day off so that I could take graduation photos with my cousin. I am here after taking photos with her and aunts.

Suddenly I thought of what Robin is doing these days: being a freelancer (自由工作者, is it the correct chinese translation?). Doing a freelance, you can manage your time yourself, but you have to manage it well. You can do whatever you want, but you have to devote your concentration to the job. I don't mean being an employee doesn't require devoting your effort, but being a freelancer, everything is what you choose.

These days I seem to have less momentum on my job, even the uchamp is over. Maybe I feel that I won't stay here forever, I gradually loss the momentum. It is the same in other aspects, when I don't see the future, I will start to loss momentum.

Well, maybe someone will say: how can you give up so easily? But I 'd say I tried my best.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

These days I got more private time, such that I can listen to my favourite songs and music. I once played the album of Beyond, "繼續革命". My dad also get overwhelmed... that he request to play the album once more, ha.

Autumn is the right time to listen to 沮廢 songs, somehow it will make me more energetic. Like this one:

High and Dry- Radiohead

Two jumps in a week, I bet you think that's pretty clever don't you boy.
Flying on your motorcycle, watching all the ground beneath you drop.
You'd kill yourself for recognition; kill yourself to never ever stop.
You broke another mirror; you're turning into something you are not.

Don't leave me high, don't leave me dry
Don't leave me high, don't leave me dry

Drying up in conversation, you will be the one who cannot talk.
All your insides fall to pieces, you just sit there wishing you could still make love
They're the ones who'll hate you when you think you've got the world all sussed out
They're the ones who'll spit at you. You will be the one screaming out.

Don't leave me high, don't leave me dry
Don't leave me high, don't leave me dry

It's the best thing that you've ever had, the best thing that you've ever, ever
It's the best thing that you've ever had; the best thing you've had has gone away.

Don't leave me high, don't leave me dry
Don't leave me high, don't leave me dry

Michael Jordan on the bike...

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

I suddenly remembered one of the scenes in : Wonka wanna give the whole chocalate factory to Charlie, but the condition is that Charlie cannot bring along his family. So Charlie rejected, cos his family is what is important to him.
為什麼第三世界國家的災民會出現在第一世界的國家裡? 新奧爾良就是這樣一個例子.
From an article of mingpao today:



"在這個全球化的年世代, 一個被劃作第三世界的非洲國家有人活得就像第一世界國民一樣,參與了全球金融市場的遊戲﹔一個住在北方國家美國的老百姓,卻可以無異於非洲居民..."



this is one of the movie that I want to watch recently.

喇叭書院- 勵志可喜



矢口史靖去年拍成《喇叭書院》(Swing Girls),在日本受歡迎。片中小鎮中學的懶妹蠢妹們,放暑假要回校補習,很苦悶,她們貪玩卻撞板闖禍,臨急加入器樂隊又烏龍百出。這些情景頗幼稚,直至她們被逐出器樂隊,私下發憤苦練,劇情就漸入佳境。她們自組爵士喇叭樂隊,籌錢買樂器,求師學藝,這些女生和一個怕羞男生對音樂愈認真就愈好玩。還有竹中直人飾演秘密師父,很妙趣。最後高潮是校際音樂比賽,一波三折,壓軸演奏逼真出色,效果令人興奮。

尋晚俾人一棍"bob" 濕左: Your precentation (presentation) is bad!
haha, I dun mind, sometimes I think I really need this kind of comments. 只要係善意, 加埋好既 presentation, 我絕對接受.

I told my cousin that I had a dream being in her wedding banquet, she immediately asked me how she looked. Well..I told her in the dream, she wore 旗袍, then she immediately said she didn't like 旗袍. Nevermind... if I could tell her that I had such a dream, it meant this dream would not come true.
In terms of what the relationship of the mainland and the Taiwan,
Girls team 係 Rowing team 不可分割的一部份. But still it looks the girls team wanna go on on their own.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Well.. the performance tonight was not really good...
Still... being suppressed... maybe it's the presence of the boss (not mine)'s subordinate, the boss felt more comfortable to dominate.
Received an email called: 等我有空再愛你!!

他向來說自己忙,哪有空陪她?其實他有的是時間,只是不肯花在她身上罷了。大學時代,他總是忙著唸 書和社團,好不容易等到寒暑假,他又忙著打工賺錢。那時他家中經濟拮据,唸書和打工是為了獎學金和賺學費。這些都是事實,也是當理由,她覺得自己應該做個 體貼的女友,所以也不強求他花時間在她身上,甚至盡力為他分憂解勞。

畢業後,他和幾個朋友合夥開了一間小公司,她則在出版社找了一份畫插 圖的工作。創業維艱,白手起家非常辛苦,所以她不但替他處理家務,還每天送便當和宵夜到公司給他,每次都只是聊兩句就走了,深怕耽誤他的時間。他的同事們 都誇她體貼又得體,將來必定是個賢妻良母;她也有點沾沾自己,認為自己的付出受到了肯定。


交 往五、六年了,她漸漸發覺自己總是在孤單寂寞中渡過,每年的生日、情人節、聖誕節,都是自己一個人和電視機一起渡過。同事們總笑說她的? k友只是個「傳說」,甚至還有朋友懷疑她是否真的有男朋友。這些日子以來,她的體貼和識大體,除了換來男性朋友們的稱讚,和姊妹淘們的同情之外,什麼也沒 有。

於是,她開始對他做出小小的「反應」,但總被他的好言相勸給抑制下來。「今天的辛苦,是為了明天的幸福啊!」「兩個人整天黏在一起, 反而更快、更容易分手呢!」情人節,在她萬般請求之下,他才終於答應晚上陪她到陽明山看夜景。她殷殷期盼了一個多星期,卻因為一通朋友要他去應酬的電話, 粉碎了這個夢。再也按捺不住這幾年來的孤單寂寞,她邊哭邊抱怨著、訴說著自己的委屈。


他 有工作、有朋友、有應酬,所以他沒有空。這些她也有,只是她長期選擇待在家裡、守著電話、等待他的來電、讓自己隨傳隨到,而推開了工作和朋友。現在,她不 想再獨守空閨、癡癡地等他臨幸,不再劃地自限,決心找出自己的一片天。她不再為他送便當和宵夜,寧可窩在辦公室裡邊啃麵包邊畫插圖,或是想? Q新點子;她也不再每天按時打電話問候他了,寧可和姊妹淘們喝咖啡、聊是非,或是花時間打扮自己,更添自信。









? u妳到底還當不當我是妳的男朋友?妳到底愛不愛我?」















Sunday, September 04, 2005

Reading steve's xanga, he said he would like to stay alone when being together with a group of ppl, while on the other hand, he would like to be with the friends when being alone. I think I have the same thought. Also, when I am on the street, I would like to stay at home, thinking that I should do more reading at home, but I would like to go outside when I am at home, thinking that I should go outside to see more.

Thanks for 沖's opinion. He saw what I have been doing these days. From what you wrote in your xanga, you should know why I always keep exercising? haha.. just kidding..
張永霖的日常習慣: 每日一小時運動, 一小時閱讀, 一小時練習說話.

mm... My daily exercise time is around the same, well.. the reading time is about one hour... but surely the time for practising speaking is under one hour!

Saturday, September 03, 2005

點解突然會有咁多派平安米既活動, 定係因為之前有意外發生, 所以傳媒加緊報導?
點解突然會有咁多意外係派平安米發生? 定係其實之前都有意外發生, 只不過傳媒沒有報導?

Friday, September 02, 2005

With the smell of the wind, it means Autumn has come. I like the weather of a little hot but dry.
Google Earth - http://earth.google.com/products.html
Fantastic GIS software... have a try!
Had taken away of McD as lunch, also bought instant coffee in 7-11. It is Latte. When I turn over the bag, I found the chinese translation of Latte...... 拿鐡... so funny.....

Read an article of 蔡子強 , 引述名句的藝術 in mingpao:
"不難發現煲呔「上位」後,忽然愛上了引述 quotations(名人名句),來為自己的施政及管治理念下註腳。這不單可令自己看來高尚優雅,為自己添上幾分魅力和風采,更重要的是,可以為往後傳 媒的有關報道奉上標題或引子,從而為該段新聞定下主調,令觀眾和讀者更易對號入座,把新聞讀入腦袋。"

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Today is the first day of school.. of course it's not for me.

However, if I didn't go back to the office after the course, it would be my first day of work this week. The it really feels like I wait until September to start to work....
Book being read these days: <<塔木德-猶太人的致富聖經>>