Driving from within

Friday, December 30, 2005

O shit...
2005 gonna pass...
I got no time to review it

Hope that I got the time to enjoy the transition...

Thursday, December 29, 2005

So busy that I dun have the interest to know the happenings around... just kidding... it's almost, but not totally.

When I concentrate on one thing, seems that there's only one thing in this world... actually it's not good at all. I have to find the rythmn on other things too.

At least, I would write something here.

Does that mean I was very free before? No, I dun think so. I think it's the messy feeling that made me busy, if all the things are in control, I dun think I will feel so busy.

In other words, to make yourself less busy, you have to get control of those things.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Seems so busy these days...

Frankly, this X'mas holidays aren't X'mas holidays for me...

My three singlish cousins and my aunt...

Monday, December 26, 2005


甲: 醫生, 我的哥哥有思覺失調, 他說自己係一隻會生蛋的雞.
醫生: 那為什麼你不帶他來自我?
甲: 因為我覺得很肚餓, 我很想食蛋...

我: 阿發, 不如你叫阿爸叫他的老豆 來睇睇我地部電腦...
發: 阿爸的老豆係將軍澳wor...(阿爺住係將軍澳既老人院)...
我: (知道自己講錯野...) 應該係阿爸既朋友...

其實我係想講他的朋友, 唔係他的老豆. 另外, 我都唔知佢係咪住係將軍澳, 我只不過係將老豆兩個字, 即阿爺, 換了朋友兩個字....

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Got a good chance to talk among we three brothers today. I brought my grandma and the two brothers to yum cha, cos my parents went to visit my grandpa. With my grandma talking not too much, and without my dad here, we brothers can talk whatever we want, of course it's not talking trash, haha.

Without dad, of course it's a good time to talk about him. We came to a conclusion that: what my dad actually concerned is the time and effort we spent on the family. After this talking, I felt suddenly we formed a team, to be more responsible than ever on this family. I really valued the time I spent with my brothers this afternoon, it's really an inner circle meeting.

The dinner tonight was just ok, I mean the price, it's a bit expensive actually.
The significance.. was satisfactory. Maybe I made it bad. Before I would remember the good times and looked forward to it. But when it really came, it 's not that great as expected.
But, still gotta say thank you for the gift!

終於明白點解的演唱會叫"一時無兩". 即係同一時候不可能有兩個存在, 所以即是代表要拆夥. 聽那首歌, 由頭到尾都係講點解要分開. 將分開描寫得完全不覺傷感, 也不是大條道理, 而係好似魔幻一樣, 有點玄妙...
Seems like I was sick all day long yesterday...

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Got a freelance job...

Really wanna do it well first... so even there's teaching job in cra, I skipped it. Sorry then, Yu Man Sheung.

Dunno what the background of the person who released the freelance job. He may have a good technical expertise, but surely not in the language. I think besides the technical expertise, what aspect of a supervisor needs in order to convince his subordinates and to make them believed in him, is the language( the presentation, the logic of thinking etc).

"Please see xxx and DONNOT use xxx"

Well.. I dun think I believe in him.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Got a little bit cold today.... maybe boring to cold...

Even having been sleping for 7 hours, it looks I still feel sleepy.

Having no mood to play, no mood to spend, what I concern is getting a good job after this one.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

This guy, Pearce Matt James, is really funny... from Mingpao today.
From Mingpao today:

一艘香港貨船在大西洋航行期間,將40噸廢油污水排放大海,本以為神不知鬼不覺,但其後遭美國執法人員揭發,日前被重罰 1000萬美元(約7800萬港元),成為美國有史以來對個別觸犯環保法的船隻的最大額罰款。本港環保團體指事件令本港船業形象受損,而即使1000萬美 元罰款,也難彌補油污對海底生態的破壞。

What are those fxxxing ppl doing? They deserved that.
Bid this!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Watching the Legislative Council meeting now...

After the riot of the protest against WTO last sat, this is another matter to be focused.
  • 學習的過程就好似學觀鳥一樣, 由視而不見, 到學會把各種鳥分類 (其實就好似砌 family tree一樣, 其實即係歸納).
  • 有煩惱才有進步, 因為人會擔心自身的安危, 才會去想辦法去改善生活. 比起其他動物, 人既煩惱和快樂既比例係較大, 也因為這樣, 人先會比其他動物進化快. (其實即係要居安思危).
  • 為 什麼女仔要被追 (唔係點解要追女仔), 係因為女性害怕生育時的痛苦(人類胎兒同母體的比例, 應較其他動物為大, 所以應較其他動物痛苦). 但好在女性是非理性的動物, 她們才肯生育. 好在女性是非理性既動物, 人類才可以延續下去. 但這不代表現今女追男, 那些女的是有理性, 又或者她們是不怕生育時既痛苦. 他說的只是一些人類遠古時基本道理, 就好似睇"Why Man Lies, Why Woman Cries"一樣, 為什麼男人會被女性一些身體特徵所吸引, 並不是代表(或者不只是代表)男人好色, 而是基於傳宗接代既理由. 實在好有趣...
這些就是在天文台工作的好處, 不是由於(真的不是由於)可以在番工時間走去聽Talk, 聽完就可以放工, 而係可以給我們有思想的空間.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Play the game as if it's your last.

Live everyday like it's Friday.

How to embrace the present? Above are two ways, only the attitude are different, or the focus are different.

Today it's first night in Sai Wan, since 四叔 came to HK with his family for two weeks. For the last weeks, seems like I was once again incorporated into my family. It's like coming back home from abroad. I felt closer to my family. Now that it's like I have to live on my own again. Actually i like living in both places.

四 叔 used to live with my family when I was little (since he's the youngest kid in the family), or in other words he had been looked after me for some times. That's why I feel quite close to him. Now that he got his own family, having three wonderful kids, I really wanna be like him. Besides my dad, he's the only one having three kids (all boys). My three cousins are really smart, I like them all. Really wanna learn Singlish from them, such that I can talk like my supervisor in PolyU, haha.

Really wanna go to Singapore to see them later!

It really shows something that.. you will feel quite close to those whom you had been living with when you are small. When I was little, my grandparents lived with me, my
四 叔 lived with me, my 細姑姐 lived with me, sometimes I went to live in my 大姑姐's home and my 大姑媽's home. Maybe that's why I feel quite close to them, and also my 表哥s. Even they 're living elsewhere now, or we dun have much chance to talk, I really feel quite close to them. It's a bit odd that... I feel not so close to my 三叔. even though I had chances to live in my 三叔's home, I cried and wanted leave as soon as possible... However, living in my 大姑姐's home, I cried and DUN want to leave...

Imagination is more important than knowledge

Sunday, December 18, 2005

For the riot today, it's quite a good experience for the HK police who haven't experience any riot of this scale before, haven't experience the riot in 70s. Ha, I really wanna be one of the police so that I can help to maintain the order.

HK Island is a small place? mm.. maybe... when the transportation system is well organized, you may find travelling from one end to another end in HK island is easy. But with some disorder like today, the transportation in Wan Chai was blocked. Then you will find it hard to travel from one place to another. Then it looked HK island is such a big place...

While there 's riot since this afternoon, my life wasn't affected. After work, I went to swim. It's quite good! The water was warm, and there were not many ppl. After the great swim, I thought about where I was going. While it was only 4pm, we would have family dinner at 8pm. Having so much spare time, and having the DC on hand, I thought "why not go to take the ferry and take pictures of Central?" That's why I walked to the TST to take the ferry and took pictures of the Central reclamation. MM... the Star Ferry Pier gonna disappear.... shit.

More photos are here.

Walking in TST and Central, it 's like in another world. I never realized there were so many Chinese speaking English (but actually it's not English, rather it's like Singlish). From the 7-11 in TST, in the book shop, and in the Pacific Coffee, you would hear ppl speaking english in a way like " you may think about la..." "xxxx ga ma...". I started to realize why the accent of singlish is different from english. Maybe they wanna incoporate those "la", "ma" "le" into it.....

Bought Chris Patten's book "Not Quite The Diplomat". Hope that I could conquer this book.....

Saturday, December 17, 2005

From Jan's Tech Blog, there's a firefox extension called Gmail File Space, which allows you to ftp any files to the Gmail, such that you can treate your Gmail account as a ftp space.....

You can find it here. It's also mentioned in the LifeHacker.

Friday, December 16, 2005


繼尋日係 AM730 之後, 今日係明報又見劉細良既文章. 內容好似同尋日的相類似, 最印象深刻的是, 他說那些香港女記者太造作, 好似做 Show, 採訪反世貿示威時要戴晒頭盔.

其實好似唔止女的, 男的也一樣有戴頭盔.
Shit... the PC at home was down lastnight...

Before I thought of many things to write... but I got no mood to write and I dun remember what I wanna write now...

Air Jordan 18 + LV?

Thursday, December 15, 2005

已投15億 1.58億購寶生銀廈

from mingpao today... is there too much of this kind? Looks like a bubble is building up.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Seems the significance of the protest against WTO is even greater than the progress of the MC6...

Maybe the impact is more obvious and direct.

Also, the Korean protesters are good in conduct actually.
有得 有失...

這邊廂, 灣仔銅鑼灣商戶生意額大受影響, 那邊廂, 迪士尼首次爆滿...

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

"You know, before I started rowing little guys didn't scare me at all"

See the habour front in Central....
Today 's NBA Headline

Riley replaces Van Gundy as Heat coach

Not only a NBA player, even the coaches got their own problems, having to sacrifice most of their time for travelling around, being away from their families.

Van Gundy has always professed to being a family-first man, someone who abhors road trips and the idea of spending holidays away from his wife and four children. He said that because of travel, games and practices, he would have seen his children at home only 49 days out of 170 this season.

Van Gundy said he began wrestling with the balance between job and family..."

Monday, December 12, 2005


其實係失多於場得... (<- 究竟寫緊咩...應該係失多於得)
Finished reading "再見女主播" yesterday...This book is highly recommended!

I found that I can concentrate to read a book while I am travelling, such as on the train, in mtr, in the plane. Maybe I should find a job that needs to travel around, such that I can read many books as I like... just kidding.
A game using Google Maps API, referred by Jan's Tech Blog.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

The Children's Investment Fund Management, Links REIT, managment vs board of director, 信報, soccer business.

let me organize a bit first...
  • After Links REIT, there are so more and more this kind of investment trust. Investing in this kind of fund is like investing in property-related stocks, isn't it? Is it prospective?
  • The Children's Investment Fund Management (TCI) took a large share of Links REIT, New World Development, and Sinolink (百仕達). While leading to increase of the price of those stocks, it may have impact on the management of those companies, as TCI can have a seat in the board of director (as it has a large share of stocks of those companies). Maybe let see if it would affect the management decision of those companies.
  • Recently 信報 talks about English Premier League and soccer in Europe. Unlike other newspaper focusing on talking about the soccer players and forecasting on the result of individual game, it talks about the business behind the clubs. I think that is as interesting as the games.

Routemaster 's last run

Friday, December 09, 2005

Found a freeware that can be used to view the TCP port and UDP port in used in your PC.


無論有冇利益衝突, 都應該避免角色衝突.

我親戚同佢男朋友係同一間公司做, 佢話如果第時結婚, 是但一個就要辭職.
Many basketball video

many video... including MJ, Kobe, Carter, Iverson...etc...
This week is quite special, that I was able to have dinner on time with my family for three times (including this Friday night)...

And... having had dinner at the old home, I would go back to sai wan afterwards. Then I would have time to clear up the home, and read books, chatting,... and sleep early!

Afterall, what I concern more is my "presence" at the old home. During the days when I was not free to have dinner on time at home, I will go back to the old home afterward, because I want to have the "presence" (or "attendence") at the old home. But that didn't really help much, because all the family members would be doing something themselves; my dad would just sit and read... (actually that is what he does for most of the time....), my brother would be either sleeping or playing PS2... so this "presence" would not be appreciated. But at the same time, it means I would not go back to sai wan so often. That's why I would not be able to clean up. Then I got blamed for not cleaning it up. What I got in exchange of "presence" at home is.. just blame. That's why I feel unfair.

The way of life this week is quite good, achieving presence while also having time to be in sai wan.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Scottie Pippen retires...

Section of tribute to Pippen in NBA.com

"Pippen may never have had a title without Jordan. But there's a good chance Jordan would never have had a title without Pippen."
Rigging numbers

From USR Triton

From another website.
Try this one:

Google Image Storyteller.

You just enter a story, (just create your own), then it will show you the story with illustrations!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Have I been given any value, any motivation, any direction?

Probably not.

What I have been given, I think, is the way I should do things. It's about how to do, what I should do, what I should not do, but I just lack the values, motivations and directions. It 's about why you should do it.

That's what my dad didn't do on us.

It's just like coaching. You just tell your guys how to row, but you didn't tell or convince them why they should row. That's not enough. You just take care the technical side, but you haven't take care the emotional side.

By the way, don't assume other ppl know what you think, what your expectation is. Also, it's not necessary that other will just do what you expected. You 're coaching them, not putting them into the mold.
The significance of having no coffee ... no wonder is so great on my efficiency...

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Bought this book finally...
睇 一本書, 特別係呢類真情剖白的書, 就好似喜歡一個人一樣, 你可能會第一眼就會喜歡上它/ 她 (就好似個封面...just kidding), 這可能是非理智的. 但要真正喜歡它, 就需要稍為理智地去理解它... Just some bullshit here.

在寒冷的天氣, 要嘈肥自己, 也要嘈肥自己的錢包, 但兩者好似有點衝突.

Air Jordan XX Dunk

Wish list this x'mas:
  1. 再見女主播, by 張宏艷 (cable tv's reporters). (Blog article about this book and her.1, 2)
  2. Winning, by Jack Welch
  3. He's just Not that into you, by Greg Behrendt
  4. Time for reading all these books!

Monday, December 05, 2005

Remembering yesterday, 招 really brought us much fun!

Today is a boring day... feeling sleepy in the office, while I nearly finished all my works today. And my boss was sick and absent today, so seems there is no pressure today. Not challenging today, not fun today.

It's really odd, when I am busy, I will try to squeeze something in between, and I would have lots of thoughts. On the other hand, when I am not busy, I dun wanna do anything (even those time-wasters), and my mind is just stuck.

Bored.. so I keep looking at RSS. From knowing RSS, I think maybe I can use the RSS reader to grab all the latest updates of blogs that I am interested on. Then I found Google had a new service called Google Reader, which is an online RSS reader. However, I found that it cannot display some of the Chinese blogs, and more importantly, most xanga doesn't support RSS. So why bother use that? Then.. I searched for some discussion about Google Reader, I found this article Reaction to Google Reader.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

冇野係順理成章, 即使好像已經到了最後一步...

或者根本沒有最後一步... 一步之後還有一步...

每一步有它需要解決的問題, 要去下一步之前也有要解決的問題.

Lastnight, went to Karaoke with my cousin (in the CEO Newway)... i have never been to Karaoke with one person only... haha. Sang many sad songs... (actually there were vocal behind). Then we went to have a drink... till 230am...

Hope that she's alright.

Then got up at 7am and went to Fo Tan... and rowed 4x. Luckily I slept 12 hours the day before, or I won't have made this.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

睡了差不多十二小時, 發了一些夢, 感覺不是太好. 雖然這陣子好像順景了一點, 始終風波(暴)過後, 猶有餘悸.

起身時, 原來爸媽到了不知那兒,求了一道籤, 下下! 順景真是可遇不可求, 應該說現階段在各方面還沒有什麼成果, 根本沒有資格去要求順景. 我之前真的很自以為是嗎? 非常抱歉...

剛巧聽了張震嶽的認輸, my hairs just stand on my neck!

Friday, December 02, 2005

今日讀到信報的社評, 講到四十五條關注組將組黨...
1. 現時的政黨還是處於弱勢, 人數不多.
2. 政黨雖能體會民意, 但欠缺執政的能力.
3. 大部份政黨的角色是反對黨, 對政府行政主導的方向起負面作用.
4. 社會也有政黨的市場. 某政黨能成立即是它在社會有市場. 若四十五條關注組能組黨, 即市民對它有需求, 但亦表示現有的政黨的不濟.

又諗番阿媽講既野. 她說我能分析情況, 但未能觀人於微... 當真? 或者我睇人唔係用左腦多, 而係用右腦多, 靠印象多過理性分析. 咁即係如果我能夠用多些左腦去分析人, 我就能觀人於微? 唔.. ...繼續諗...
Enjoy this!

Went to have a look at Uniqlo during lunch time. It's quite comfortable to shop there, as the place is quite spacial. Also, you can listen to some british rock songs (that's what I like). To someone who is lazy to search around and dun have much special taste on dressing (like me), it's convenient to get all the stuff there.

It's once called Japanese Giordano, but I think it's better than Giordano.

Two Donalds can make HK better? mm... not quite sure...

What's this? Air Jodan XIV... is it soccer boots? or baseball shoes? I saw this in footlockers.com.
These days I have a habit: reading others' blogs. It's like reading newspaper... I usually spent 15mins reading others' blogs everyday. Maybe going here and there is a bit troublesome, I started to find out what RSS is about.

I just found out that there's someone reading my blog at least four times a day... hi there, please leave me a message if you think of anything, thanks!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

My cousin called me to have a drink tomorrow. It immediately made me wonder why. I think a girl initiated to go for a drink only when she felt upset , and I guessed there might be something wrong of her and her bf...

Maybe I am the one close to her, maybe I am the one she can trust, but I am surely not the one handling the relationship problem well. But my mum said I was good in analyzing situations... maybe that's why I the one she wanted to talk to ...
Really wanna post it here...

Coming into December, let's keep telling yourself...
Impossible, Impossible, Impossible..

just kidding...

If you dun wanna see it repeating, right click on it, and uncheck "repeat"...