Driving from within

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

What 's the implication of phibe's comment?
Taking a course in the cyberport these two days, I am out of office for two days. Plus the sick leave taken on Monday, actually I got three days of leaves out of office.

This afternoon I felt boring staying in the cyberport, while also having lunch there is expensive. So I chose to take a bus to the Wah Fu estate. Just had lunch in an old 茶餐廳 called 銀都冰室, but I think the food and the environment are both quite good. Comparing the cyberport nearby, the Wah Fu is completely another world. Somehow I like some old stuff, like to see old scenes, maybe I 'm old too... haha. Actually while I like modern technology, I just appreciate some old fashion and culture as well. I think one thing Hong Kong doesn't do well is it doesn't preserve old things.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Google has a new service, Google talk.
"在可見的將來, Google將有更多不同的動作, 不論成功與否, 都會與Google的核心優勢搜尋技術有關."
"微軟和雅虎正面對一間研究實力強橫, 開了很多條戰線但又不失焦點的Google, 實在不好應付. 搜尋引擎上的競爭, 將難免全方位在不同技術領域伸延下去"

Monday, August 29, 2005

Martial art is an art, rowng is an art too.
繼在香港電台既節目中出過鏡後, 今次在明報體育版出現. 不過今次係俾人掟落水既連環快拍...haha
13 weeks passed... the net score I contributed to the Men Champion is ...5.

Though we got the Men Champion, I was a bit disappointed that we couldn't beat CU completely. Maybe I expected too much. Nevermind... it's quite a perfect result.

I think the new guys had already outrun me when I was in the first year, and outrun the old guys when they were in their first year. Hope that they can outran them and me in the second year.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Fantastic video on training an eight...
Actually I focus on nothing but the uchamp only. Tommorrow is their big day, all the best to them!

Being nominated as the coach of the year... i have not much feeling at all, cos other candidates are more experienced than me.

My name is always mis-written... as Engene...

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Finally calmed down a bit... so that i can think a bit more reasonably.

What do I want? That's what being asked yesterday.

There're some ppl I should talk to more, while there are some I should talk to less....

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Dun wanna talk to her at this moment, cos I am still in bad mood these days. This is to avoid screwing things up, and make the situation worse....

About this morning, I am sorry if I didn't make things clear. But I am sure she already had her own idea, so hearing what i said, she may have just interpreted what i said as what she thought. This is the communication barrier, with us having our own predefined meaning.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Dun wanna talk about the team all the times, especially with her, i get bored of it...

Just wanna dig a hole, and put my head into it...
Still got some bad mood in my mind.
Still dun wanna talk much, the more being asked, the more i dun wanna talk.
Wanna be alone first.

Monday, August 22, 2005

While I am (or maybe ) a person who's 硬崩崩 (in terms of emotions), i hope others are not.

I think me and her are the same kind of person, making the interaction a bit dull sometimes. Usually the conversation style is : Question from A, answer from B, then "哦" from A.. then dead air for a while... Maybe she's not used to be this kind person, maybe I made her dull.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Sometimes I am emtional and being affected by the weather also.
These days I "concern" more and more the result of next week. Did I push them enough? ( at least, the four of them) While i want them to feel no regret, did I make myself feeling no regret? Also concern is the relationship problem, did I get along well with her? I just know the conversation this morning made me sick. I just think the problem will get magnified but not minimised as time goes on. And many other things, plus the weather today, my mind was messed in an exponential rate.

Heavy rain (without strong wind) posed the same effect as the still water and the quietness in the early morning. It can minimise the significance of the surrounding. So it is easier to concentrate.

From an email received today,

"To be happy with a man you must understand him a lot and love him a little

To be happy with a woman you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all.
A woman will always cherish the memory of the man who wanted to marry her.

A man will always cherish the memory of the women whom he didn't marry."

From another email,



About 同居, there were two posts in mingpao yesterday,

The radio programme, 千禧年代, also talked about this news yesterday. I agree that living together enables to know more about each other. "別以為同居時既問題係婚後唔會緩和, 只會加劇”
No wonder 13 weeks passed in such a pace... I still remember the first few trainings, but now it gonna come to an end. I think I learnt much a lot through this summer, on the training schedule. Gotta write it down as soon as possible, otherwise i will forget after the u-champ ended.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

It's quite hard to use single hand to type and to use left hand to move the mouse.. like now. It's like i have to think in another perspective in order to coordinate.

Back to work after two days of sick leaves. Stayed for most of the time in cra and Polyu... it feels like the days of studying Mphil.
i found more and more interested on the tv programmes of RTHK. Like days before, I watched the programme "Blueprint 2000" online, it talked about my home, Kennedy Town and Mount Davis (See it Here). Frankly I really like my "home town".

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

We will go to the Hong Kong Disneyland somedays....

The emotion is a bit "rock" these days, suddenly affect by this, suddenly affected by that...

Hope that the documents can arrive on time, i understand that i am a bit late and not serious enough in applying jobs...

Monday, August 15, 2005

From mingpao:
科 學 家 指 出 , 運 動 員 若 想 在 某 項 運 動 中 突 圍 而 出 , 便 必 須 擁 有 至 少 一 項 的 異 常 生 理特 徵 , 例 如 泳 手 擁 有 大 腳 掌 會 較 有 利 ﹔ 流 汗 比 常 人 少 、 心 臟 比 常 人 大 , 也 是 一 些 體壇 明 星 的 特 徵 。 英 國 足 球 明 星 碧 咸 射 罰 球 精 準 刁 鑽 , 有 人 便 把 這 歸 功 於 他 的 雙 膝 向外 彎 曲 , 增 加 球 的 旋 轉 。 專 家 也 發 現 , 創 下 發 球 速 度 紀 錄 的 美 國 網 球 頂 尖 好 手 洛 迪克 , 其 背 部 能 靈 活 後 彎 , 令 其 手 臂 的 旋 轉 度 達 到 130 度 , 比 一 般 職 業 網 球 手 平 均 高出 44 % , 使 他 能 以 時 速 248 公 里 的 高 速 把 球 殺 過 網 。...

醫 學 專 家 對 英 國 4 屆 奧 運 划 船 冠 軍 平 森 特(Pinsent) 進 行 體 檢 後 , 也 驚 奇 地 發 現 他 的 肺 容 量 高達 8.5 公 升 , 是 正 常 容 量 兩 倍 以 上 。 平 森 特 一 度 被 封 為 英 國 肺 容 量 最 大 的 人 , 但 最近 另 一 名 英 國 划 船 選 手 雷 德 格 雷 夫 的 肺 容 量 被 證 實 高 達 8.9 公 升 。 身 高 6 呎 10 吋的 雷 德 格 雷 夫 已 被 視 為 英 國 08 年 奧 運 金 牌 希 望 之 一 。

英 國 划 船 隊 正 尋 找 一 些 生 理 條 件 比 二 人 更 佳 的 人 。 訓 練 員 莎 士 比 亞 說 ﹕ 「 我 們 量 度一 些 16 至 18 歲 的 人 的 高 度 、 臂 展 、 耐 力 與 氣 力 。 但 在 1 萬 人 中 只 有 1 人 具 備 划 船、 游 泳 或 騎 單 車 必 須 的 生 理 學 條 件 。 」 莎 士 比 亞 說 ﹕ 「 生 物 學 現 時 是 判 斷 一 個 運 動員 能 力 的 重 要 依 據 。 過 去 , 一 些 生 理 條 件 較 差 的 人 , 靠 意 志 力 克 服 先 天 劣 勢 , 但 這種 情  其 實 愈 來 愈 少 。 」

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Before, I got a little bit back pain... when the back pain is little bit relieved now, there's another thing... wrist!

Lost the balance and crashed the ground today when riding the bike (to look over the 4-). If this "effort" is paid off by motivating them to do the best in the end, then it's worthwhile...

Friday, August 12, 2005

Maybe for lastnight, it's not about mature or not, but about hygiene and whether you will treat others' thing as your own...
Added a guestbook...
Hope that those who read will sign...
Quote from an article in Mingpao today- <<蔡子強﹕中國對日本戰敗有多大貢獻?>>

國 內 不 少 媒 體 都 強 調 一 組 數 字 , 日 軍 在 中 國 戰 場 的 損 失 佔 日 軍 二 戰 總 損 失 70% , 「消 耗 」 了 455 萬 餘 人 , 牽 制 日 本 陸 軍 的 主 力 , 大 大 減 輕 盟 軍 在 太 平 洋 戰 區 的 負 擔 。... 一 時 間 中 國 似 乎 是 戰 勝 日 本 的 大 功 臣 。...日 本 戰 敗 時 , 本 土 仍 有 200 萬 陸 軍 , 紀 律 和 配 備 良 好 , 不 是 被 實 戰 長 期 蹂 躪 下 的 殘 兵 敗 將 。 我 想 指 出 , 陸 軍 從 來 不 是 日 本 戰 敗 的 關 鍵 。

究 竟 日 本 為 何 戰 敗 ﹖ ... 這 主 要 在 於 兩 國 戰 時 建 造 和 補 充 艦 隻 能 力 上 的 差 別 ...由 一 戰 到 二 戰 , 海 戰 的 主 角 已 由 戰 列 艦 改 為 航 空 母 艦 , 日 本 重 達 7 萬 噸 的 超 級 巨 艦 大 和 及 武 藏 , 在 整 場 戰 爭 中 恍 如 廢 物 ,...美 日 戰 時 造 艦 能 力 的 差 距 是 如 何 懸 殊 。...攫 取 了 制 海 權 , 才 能 攻 克 被 孤 立 的 島 嶼 與 及 守 軍 。... 隨  太 平 洋 馬 利 安 納 群 島 ( 包 括 關 島 及 塞 班 島 等 ) 被 美 軍 攻 克 , 並 建 立 大 型 空 軍 基 地 , 日 本 本 土 便 被 直 接 置 於 美 軍 重 型 轟 炸 機 轟 炸 半 徑 內 ,...

1945 年 3 月 9 日 , 美 軍 對 日 本 進 行 了 有 名 的 「 東 京 大 轟 炸 」..., 在 燃 燒 彈 的 殺 傷 下 , 日 本 8.4 萬 人 死 亡 , 25 平 方 公 里 ( 高 達 東 京 全城 面 積 四 分 一 ) 被 夷 為 廢 墟 。 這 樣 的 轟 炸 後 來 一 直 持 續 , 最 終 導 至 日 本 90 萬 人 死亡 、 2200 萬 人 無 家 可 歸 、 287 平 方 公 里 地 區 被 摧  , 這 樣 的 一 個  滅 性 效 果 。

使 用 燃 燒 彈 時 , 大 約 330 架 次 的 B-29 , 即 能 做 成 相 當 一 顆 原 子 彈 的 破 壞 效 果 , 而在 1945 年 8 月 , 美 軍 B-29 每 周 出 擊 的 架 次 為 此 數 的 4 倍 , 所 以 用 不 用 原 子 彈 實 際上 沒 有 太 大 的 關 係 。 原 子 彈 的 作 用 是 被 人 高 估 了 。

日 本 所 需 的 原 料 有 75% 來 自 海 外 , 隨  海 戰 失 利 , 美 軍 逐 步 逼 近 日 本 本 土 並 進 行 海上 封 鎖... 自 1945 年 3 月 起 , 無 一 滴 石 油 能 輸 入 日 本 , 令 其經 濟 在 同 年 7 月 ( 即 投 降 前 夕 ) 完 全 癱 瘓 。

到 逼 於 無 奈 無 條 件 投 降 時 , 日 本 仍 保 有 一 支 相 當 龐 大 、 完 整 和 精 銳 的 陸 軍 。日 本 是 敗 於 美 軍 的  滅 性 大 轟 炸 及 海 上 封 鎖 , 美 軍 能 這 樣 雙 管 齊 下 , 前 提 都 是 日 本海 戰 失 利 , 而 恰 巧 在 這 一 點 上 , 中 國 可 說 完 全 作 不 到 任 何 貢 獻 。 因 此 , 無 論 中 國 戰場 上 拖 死 了 多 少 數 目 的 日 本 陸 軍 , 對 日 本 最 終 的 戰 敗 都 毫 不 決 定 性 。

所 以 , 在 日 本 人 眼 中 , 日 本 是 敗 給 美 國 , 而 絕 非 中 國 , 恐 怕 是 更 接 近 現 實 的 看 法 。

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Suddenly, remembered that some of them will change to study in other schools. While good to know that they found a better academic path, it's pity that they won't play next year (although they may not play even they will go on in PolyU). I think I will miss them.
Suddenly she had so much thought? Maybe she really had a deep thinking...

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Weather for the past u-champs (2001-2004)



Max Temp

Mean Temp

Min Temp



Wind dir

Mean speed





































Some very old photos of PolyU's rowing team...

And this is the message board of the rowing team, which is also long time ago...

Tuesday, August 09, 2005







Michael Jordan Quotes

Reading newspaper yesterday, saying that the increase of oil price maybe due to the investors (or speculators) but not because of the supply/demand. Some scholars warned that it maybe a bubble and will explode some day. So.. gotta be careful while investing in energy-related stocks.

Yesterday I realized and remembered one thing: there is no such word as "easy task" in my dictionary. Everything I achieved and earned are through hard work and seriouness. These days I may have spoiled myself, thinking that I have done my best. Now I gotta denied the words I thought, that everything is destined. If I think something is destined to be like that, that's because I already had something in my mind. Also, I maybe too optimistic that I can achieve certain thing. That is not a visualization of success, but only an imagination of success, which will never be realized. I should always think of the word "struggle".

Monday, August 08, 2005

Seems I only finished a few little tasks today, didn't do much great things.
Maybe due to waking up early in the morning today (really early... before the sun rise), I feel that the mind is not that active. Still there are two more days for me to overcome before I can get up a little bit later...

Sunday, August 07, 2005

For a coach, they need to drive their athletes to achieve the best result. But before that, a coach should provide the ground for the athletes to achieve that.

In the coming trainings, hope that all of them can get enough "rehearsal" for the "final show". If they can fulfil our expectations and being able to do it at the final show, then we will have no regret...

Friday, August 05, 2005

There are many times when I had something in mind to write down, I can't write in down here. On the other hand, when I can write it down, I forgot those I wanted to write down.... shit...

Somehow, on the day when I didn't have to go there at night, I feel more relaxed. Being less focused, I can think more about anything else. But somehow, after the mind wandering around for a little while, it will turn back to the topic- rowing... shit... I don't intend to think, but it just goes in that direction. Am I really doing the right thing? It doesn't mean I don't concern my work, my career, but only I am not able to do an in-depth thinking. Suddenly think of a word read from the Metro post today--- Freelancer...I mean the chinese pronunciation-- 廢拉柴. Even freelancer can be a occupation, but seems the life is unstable. Being the chinese pronunciation is even worse. Neither do i want.
人一累就會容易發脾氣, 但人累時戰鬥力都會降低, 如果呢個時候與人動操, 都應該幾蝕底. 今日早起個人很累, 偏偏我行去食飯時, 後面有個推車送文件的係咁衝, 撞到我隻腳. 即刻撩起我把火, 我叫佢推車睇路呀, 佢都唔好相語, 我俾佢行先然後再講佢撞到我, 條友仲惡些問我夠膽就講多次. 我就再講多次. 佢好似俾我打塞, 因為佢估唔到我會真係講多次. 我之後繼續行, 一路行一路望住佢, 一來表示唔怕佢, 二來感覺到頭先一動火, 個人好似冇力咁. 所以我預備萬一佢再撞過來, 我就及時走人.
Went to train the 4+ at 6am... again.. getting up at 430am... though this time, I am not training myself...

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Very sleepy for the whole morning...

Dun wanna call her, cos I hate to hear the receiving tone "Wei". 你係女人來架, 講野成個男人咁...

Finally getting back to the mood of work, after artificially generating coffeine... by drinking coffee.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Kept sleeping not enough, and so gotta get something to keep me awake in the morning... coffee...

But actually I think we ourselves can generate coffeine by ourselves, through some meditation...

Maybe these days I seldom leave the office later than 5:30pm, so at about 5pm each day, I have a tendency to leave....

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Novel method for advertising kit for exchange
Steering in a pair? No rudder is needed... See a discussion Here

Actually for a pair to run straight, the two men couldn't give identical power. If it is the case, the bow man will easily steer the boat to the other side.
Really sleepy this morning...
I understand that she has been treated unfairly. I wanted to comfort her actually. If she didn't blame me for not listening to her, I would have listened to her more patiently. Though I was in the same place as her, and I was quite close to her lastnight, I got my "work" to do. 如果你連那個你想獲得他的同情既人都怨埋,咁那個人想同情你都好難.

Also, if 那人 really wanna coach them, just let him do it. Afterall, it is not a matter of live and death. Just experience this situation here, and imagine how you would handle this situation. And if you encounter such things in your work (which is really a matter fo live and death), then just follow what you thought before.