Driving from within

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Received a meaningful email, Jimmy's 感恩... just have the following thoughts...

Well... 但係冇左我半個月人工...

成日夜番屋企都仲要開機洗杉, 又要一早起身"浪"杉...

老豆話, 你西環個屋企有待掃的地,有待抹的塵, 那代表你有自己的家(一個人的家)...

在城門河...冇....但好在有頂帽同副 Oakley...

Just Kidding Man!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Suddenly wanna find if there's any discussion on blog culture. Actually there are many blogs talking about blog! (Just like the song 流行曲 talks about canto-pop)

One of the article said something about the blog culture, quoted"

Blog 不等於 Xanga 不等於 網上日記


「你有Xanga嗎 ?」若果閣下是非Xanga使用者,該怎麼答 ?



Another article...



如果網誌在香港仍未成為主流,「誤解」實屬難免。我看著大家的反應,倒令我想起早前在此遇上的Lolita小姐們,但這次角色轉換了。上次她們是被誤解的一群,我是世俗眼光的代表;這次我們bloggers是「次文化」一族,被有線電視作為代表的主流媒體曲解。 .....

The Air Jordan Melo 5.5. Another kicks of Jordan Brand. Maybe at the first sight, this shoe is not really looking good. After imagining that it's the combination of AJ5 and AJ6, it became more comfortable. What I like this shoe is the collar, which belonged to AJ5.
Having enough sleep will really make much difference on my efficiency. Comparing with yesterday which I had 7 hours of sleep the night before, my efficiency is dropped today which I had 5 hours of sleep. Without enough rest, my mind will just keep wandering around, not being able to focus. The motivation to work is less. Also I would want to find a place to sleep during lunch time.

With enough rest, I can work non-stop...Yesterday is the most effective day I ever have for the past month.

If the weather is cool as last week, I will even be even more intended to sleep earlier.

Maybe I am really....渣... such that I need to have enough rest.
一開口, 就知道自己係咩料子... 一點說服力都冇...

All the batteries for my mp3 player are used up, and at the same time, maybe I dun need it these days. It's time to get away from those songs for a moment, cos I have quite much memory in them. It's time for me to get away from remembering it, just let it in my mind first.

夜曲, 晴天, 一路向北, lonely christmas, 阿牛, 夕陽無限好, 葡萄成熟時.

Monday, November 28, 2005


Just being in the sun for a morning yesterday, I found that my face was darkened... and what's more, it looked shinny......shit...

There's a jazz player in HK called Eugene Bao...Though I am called Eugene, I am not Eugene Bao, and I dun wanna look Like Mr Bao (包公).

Ron Artest, "Tru Warrior"

Sunday, November 27, 2005

License to xxx

In Phil Jackson's "Last Season", there is such a cool term called "License to play". Actually he meant every player has something they are good at, or they are able to do, such as defense, rebound, long-range shot. If they try to do something that they 're not good at or not able to do, they 're doing something that they are not "licensed to play".

So this term can be used by us. Are you license to do something? If you don't have the license, it doesn't mean you can never have it. For some kinds of license, you have to work hard to earn it, for others, you have to learn to get it.

mm.. maybe I can understand the details of something, but I am not able to give a bigger direction. I think being able to give a bigger direction is cool. And the leader should be capable of doing this. Ha, sometimes I just think, I can't give the bigger direction, why should I be the biggest? On the other hand, I want to get this license, to give bigger direction.

適婚年齡? This really triggered my nerve! Well... I am not license to get married yet. I mean, I don't have enough money, haha.

Went to Cheung Kwan O to visit my grandpa, I think it has been another one or two months since I visited him last time. I bought a 菠籮紅豆包 for him. My aunt was there when I arrived, and grandpa was having a bun. Maybe I haven't visit him for long, he didn't turn my face to me, .... until I took out the bun, haha.....Afterall, a 90-something old man is just like a kid...

I was sleeping while taking the MTR, that I couldn't wake up until someone woke me up.....shit.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

mm.. go to bed now... so sleepy...

shit.. there maybe two sides on the same matter. I concern what other think of me maybe because I want to treat them better. But on the other hand, it may show that I concern myself because I want to maintain a good impression on them. For which of the two reasons I do that? mm....

Seems that I get a little bit confused. Better not think about it, better not drive myself nuts.
Attended a concert of 鼓樂 tonight.

The first section was fantastic, they were all champions of percussion of different ages, from little to young. Really fantastic.

The second section was a bit boring. I just closed the eyes and listened.

The last section was fantastic again. While the orchestra was playing on the stage, we the audience could participate, cos everyone of us was given a little drum. We followed the beat and play together. It's fun.

"what a pity", "luckily" kept flowing in my mind during the concert...

Friday, November 25, 2005

Found a Perl tutorial:

一早就收到電話, 話有份教書既工, 問我有冇興趣做. 唔... 都係唔好 誤人子弟. 況且我都唔鐘意教書.

逐步擊破個project la...

Thursday, November 24, 2005

俾人咁搞法, 睇怕我仲有得瘦落去...
The mind was just in a mess...

Sculling on the river is quite a good way to get focused and get away from the disturbance, especially with the weather condition tonight. There was not much wind, the water was quiet.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Too bad, the working efficiency is TOO LOW!!
Winter in HK isn't that cold actually. It doesn't really make much difference if you get the warmth, or otherwise, you will feel even colder. This winter gonna be colder than it actually is.

Maybe as told by many others, "你瘦左 wor", "食多D 野啦". Maybe I really got little fat inside my body now. I could even shiffer just after shower... shit.. Maybe I should eat more and get fat to get through this winter, ha. But I dun wanna get fat this way. To certain extent, getting fat means you 're walking along a stable path. Obviously, I am not yet in this path.

Btw, it has nothing to do with me.
Remember what I got around my wrist...Heart, Desire.

Met Kardix tonight, haven't see him for two years. He asked how far I have looked forward, I said 3 or 4 years. He reminded me we had to look forward to ten years. Mm... vision.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Checked from the Nike's website, I ranked 366 among the 5000 participants in the 10k.

Total Time: 42:03 Net time: 41:57.

Many things are unpredictable.

Situation (tmr) = a+ b x Situation (today)+ c x Situation (yesterday)

Surely It's not a formula!

So even you did something right today and yesterday doesn't mean you will do something right tommorrow.

And... the difficulties and failures you faced today doesn't mean you will face them again tommorrow. You will have the chance to alter the situation.

Life is just full of chances and risks.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Accountable? I think I am accountable. If I need to face judgement, I am willing to face it.

Please dun bother those who are innocent.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

I really feel like 四面楚歌 at this moment. I had to make a judgement on something, and then I had to deal with the harshness of something related to my own interest. At the same time, I got criticised, and I foresee some coming criticism on me.
Never been to such a happy wedding banquet, maybe besides it's Ching's wedding day, it's a swimming team gathering! Many of those you can never meet easily, you could meet yesterday. Actually we didn't see and talk to Ching so frequently, rather we just kept talking and taking photos ourselves.

Me, Lok and 啫喱 (cos he's called Jeremy). Jelly was one of those I respect in the swimming team. I first met him when I joined the BIS O'camp, he's one of the group leaders. He led me to my first Inter-collegiate medal in swimming in 200m Freestyle. He got the second, and he built up my confidence to get the third! He's such a cool and funny guy. He never talk photos in serious face, I think this is one of the rare photos that he looked normal, haha.

Fish and Franco. haha.. Franco said he never saw Fish in such a "woman" feel...

Gary, me, Lok and Wing. Yee Man was in the middle. I still remembered Jelly called Yee Man as the 人肉坦克車...haha...

Of course, we had to take photos with Mrs Ngai. I have been knowing Mrs for 8 years, I feel so close to her. She has such a good memory (or she has some memory for each she knows), that she still remembered me that in the summer of second year, I was absent in the training once in a while because I had to go dancing with my mum... (frankly yes, my mum). I was slapped twice by her because of some personal matters. I felt sorry for letting her down, but something was just unavoidable.

Many said I looked thinner (actually I think it's just my face). Maybe many said I still looked young. If getting fat is one of the way to show the maturity, then I am very immature. It made me feel I am seriously lagged behind others...

Got home at 1130pm lastnight, and then I got up at 430am to catch the bus to Tin Shui Wai, for the Nike 10k. 2298... that's my number.

This time I got a even closer position to the starting point, such that only some top runners are in front of us. And it was really easier to run at the front. I got a nice run in the first 5km, and it just took 20min. That's when I slacked a bit, maybe I was too confident that I could finish it within 40 minutes. Then I found that the 1km followed was slower than I expected. There are many times that I might be too confident that I could get a good result, which resulted the otherwise (like in the HK champ or uchamp before). I think this time I have found some ways to modify my mind so that I have the motivation to fight.

At last, even I didn't finish it within 40min, I am 2 minutes faster than last year, 41:57.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Gonna go to 老程's wedding banquet tonight, it will be a gathering of swimming team members of several generations, haha.

mm.. lastnight was quite a good chance to know more... it came naturally, hope that there was not any "forced" element.

Friday, November 18, 2005


其實每個人都應該體現出有學養及生活感, 正如肥彭一樣, 即使你唔係一個政客.

Read this article today, interesting!
劉細良﹕解剖彭定康真人Show - Mingpao

"在電視新聞中看肥彭與泰昌的老闆一同食蛋撻,這位深受香港人歡迎的港督,就好像從來沒有離開過。... 留下的就是一副饞嘴相,一個很鮮明的形象。"

肥彭是香港政客的示範角色,由他引入香港政壇的 包括「港督答問大會」及會上常用的一招「我不回答假設性問題」,香港大小議員學得一招半式便胡亂使用,但其他肥彭招式完全學不到半點。... 肥彭引經據典令劉慧卿 被嘲笑也不自知。他說﹕「劉慧卿就是這樣的一把尺,是我們都要用來審視自己的標準,每個社會都需要一個『Sea-green Incorruptible』(意指只會滿口漂亮說話,不會踏實做事的政客),現實每每令她感到氣惱,她之所以投票反對我們,是因為她要表現出自己的政治潔癖。」"


真人秀- 從 政者第一戒條有所謂戲假情真,即使是為了討好傳媒、討好選民的政治劇場演出,也要投入感情以方法演技去演出... 其實政客與角色是一種若即若離的關係,角色不能完全虛假,但又不能全與真人性情合而為一,這樣很容易變得衝動或感情 用事。做一個好的政客,取決於如何控制這「距離」..."

"生活感- 政 客除以本身的學養,令本質醜惡的政治看起來有一份藝術美感外,也需要有生活感。什麼是生活感,就是自己政治生活以外的美學價值。肥彭饞嘴人所共知,但除了 是老饕之外,他也喜愛網球運動及旅行。... 香港人所見到的肥彭,是個活潑生猛有血有肉的政治人,不像所見慣一貫頭眉深鎖的讀稿機器,因為香港政客一開口只談政治講政策,我一度懷疑他們平時是不讀書的。"

他身上所體現的正是政治藝術,他尖酸的文字及演辭、反應快、愛講笑,只是表面。欣賞彭定康的人, 真正要學習他的學養及生活感,做個有血有肉的政治人。"
It's gonna be Nike 10k this sunday! Mm... how's my preparation? No, I did no specific preparation for running! Just rowed, ergoed and did gym. But I wanna do better than last year!


Have I do enough for the value I am given so far?

They mentioned something to the new guys and they told them it was from me. They remembered that's what i said (even I forgot that) Thanks... haha (is it an illusion?).
Really frightened that I lost these photos... luckily I found it in my old notebook.

2002 Men 8+


Thursday, November 17, 2005

I am not just going to express myself here, I will talk to you all later.
Maybe that's what I used to do in communication: getting more understanding through turbulence. I care you all (not just care what you think), cos I love you guys.
Disappointed on me? Haha... nevermind, I used to let others disappointed.
But I would say you guys didn't disappoint me, cos I believe you all will be better.

Mm... at the same time, another case I have to handle really disappointed me...

Read Lun's diary, did I express similar thought as him? If so, I would wonder why I didn't have this kind of expression ( or passion) on my family, on my brothers? Seems I get something here: If I can lead here, why can't I lead in the family? Maybe my dad was angry (for a long time) that I didn't take the lead in the family, but rather doing that outside? Inside first, then outside, maybe that's what he thought.


Lok gonna take wedding photos today. How nice the weather today is, the photos should be great! He's doing his "final year" project this year... haha.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

差唔多大半日時間係 一邊做, 一邊同羅賓傾... 都係環繞某個題目. 同佢傾, 如果可以聽住"男子組", 氣氛會更好... haha.

老友咪放棄, 放都 side 氣 , baby , 振振兩臂拍拍背肌打氣, baby.
Here is an illusion:

Fear is another illusion.
You know when something is going smooth, there will be another thing not going smooth...

Like today, I could get out of home earlier than usual, i arrived the office earlier than usual. But I forgot to bring the phone!
We three brothers are influencing each others, though our age difference can be as big as 11 years. No matter it's music, sports, books, behaviours, we 're keeping making impact on each other. We just do that by example, not telling others straight to follow. But when we see others doing that, you start to wonder if you will do that too.

23 Jan 2006, Dream Theatre Live in HK!


Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Got a little temper this morning, even my colleague and my boss nearly set me on fire. (Luckily, they didn't fire me). Got more comfortable now, after having a walk, making one or two phone calls. And today the weather gives a brand new feeling. No more autumn feeling, but winter feeling. I can walk fast or even run up the hill to the office without sweating, ha.
While I am JUST satisfied on the old guys' performance on the boat, I am really NOT satisfied on their performance in the team! Discipline, and at the least extent, 搭圾, they (most of them) lack this!

有 咩理由 唔來, 或來唔到, 一句聲都冇出過, 唔好話俾我知你已經講左俾某人知, 又或者你講俾某人知之前, 勞煩你 make sure 佢係會到, 否則你講俾佢聽都係冇用.

作為舊人, 副隊長, 你地係有責任去推動新人. 我地唔係港隊, 唔係扒好自己就算, 入來 sports team 唔係只係玩 sports, 而係團隊活動去學會推動自己, 推動別人, 這當中其實係關於個人修為上.

隊 team 係你地既, 你地應該諗下你想隊 team 下年有咩成績. 你估你地自己可以"咩"起晒成 team 既成績? (No way, at this moment, I don't think so!) 你地係有責任去帶起新人, 令佢地有能力一起去承擔.

"oo...叫我地去帶新人...我地一定會帶壞佢地... " 既然你地識咁諗, 點解你地唔諗下點去帶好新人? 重有, d 野係要 keep 住做. 唔係今日好認真睇完新人, 然後自己覺得好滿足, 跟著下次人影都冇.

曾經有人話, 你地只係為左開心而扒艇, 你地係一條開心既八人艇, 唔係一條比賽既八人艇. 其實我好想去証明俾人睇你地唔係, 但係我睇暫時都係做唔到.

可能你地都會去努力勝出比賽, 來去令自己開心 enjoy. 但係你地似乎唔需要去勝出比賽都可以令自己開心 enjoy (練下艇都得啦...). 否則, 你地定既比賽目的 (開心) 就係唔夠大. 甚至來得有點自私.

Monday, November 14, 2005


打完仗, 下晝又開始遊魂....

haha... 其實我真係一個白痴... Took this test... hope that it's true. No matter what the result is, it shows a reality: you really hope for something, that's all by heart. God Bless You!


The ex-hk team is (yes, present tense) really strong. 佢地真係可以一落場就同你砌, 呢d 先叫勁. 佢地表面係度嘻嘻哈哈, 其實因為佢地真係己經準備好, 兼且信心十足. This is due to their experience, what's experience actually? It's that you can visualize it. They did well before, they faced and tackled difficulties before, and they remembered what they did. Therefore, they can visualize it and get the mind prepared. Before the race really started, they already have the race "played" in their mind for several times.

Some discussion in Google, about the race start. As mentioned by someone, we really need to have a good start...

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Shit.. the rudder of the 4x... I couldn't control it after 1k, too bad that we were outrun by that HK junior. It just reminded me of the double final in the 2004 uchamp. Shit.

For the old guys 8+, they did quite well in the semi-final. Actually they could have done better in the final... but one thing they lack was... rest. They didn't let their body rest. I thought with their physical ability and skill at the time being, they could win the rhkyc, but what they lacked was the preparation. Rest and recover made an important part in the whole race process. You just can't expect you can do all the things on call, nor you have the ability right now. Rest doesn't mean sitting down, chatting, joking. You gotta really lay down and let the body rest.

In general, they have to figure out how to make up their mind, and get prepared for the competition. To win a competition, it's not only about concentrating in the 7-minute race. For a 7-minutes competiiton, you have to at least get prepared for more than 7 minutes.

Anyway, they did something good, so it's great!

Too tired... I can't afford to stay until the dinner in cra. Also, gotta get home for dinner, so that dad won't be too annoyed. Got home at 530pm... slept till dinner time... Listened to some music. Playing the music in the Hi-Fi is really different from playing it in the portable player. Flowing through spacial environment, the sound looks really much better!

remember, 閱讀係一種姿態.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Mm..... both the old guys 8+ and my 4x can do better.... the most important thing is to be able to settle down, and then doing each stroke one by one. Leg drive...

The next target is.. enter final A.

讀了明報一篇劉細良的訪問. 其實每星期明報都會有讀書人的訪問... 不過今次對劉細良的訪問特感興趣, 可能睇過頭條新聞, 覺得佢好 cool, 相比起梁文道, 同樣係知識份子, 但好似好寸...

劉細良話讀書有一種虛榮感: 大學年代, 閱讀是一種姿態, 拿什麼書是一種身份象徵, 好像今日年輕人穿波鞋, 穿限量版 T恤一樣.

Frankly, I become more interested on reading than before. Long ago, I only read for examinations... (that's studying, actually), but that's not truely reading. Really gotta read more...

Friday, November 11, 2005

泰昌餅店 原來又再開番, 如果唔係肥彭來到邊有蛋撻食....

千禧年代 talked about Chris Pattern this morning, the host referred to a joke which is posted in ming pao today:

"另 外,雖然彭定康曾被中 方指摘為「千古罪人」,但他昨日以一個小故事,說明中方與他已「冰釋前嫌」。話說前外交部長唐家璇早年前往布魯塞爾,拜訪時任歐盟外交事務專員彭定康,當 唐坐在他辦公室議桌前,一眼看到牆上掛彭定康女兒們的照片,打趣問「父親這樣醜,如何生出如此標緻的女兒﹖」彭定康笑說這事險些釀成外交風波,幸好當時 中國駐歐盟大使急忙指唐家璇只是說笑,以此打圓場。"
Got a not-so-good news lastnight... not so good for the team...

My impression is further changed.

Just remembered the comment on something. What I thought is, it's possible for me to fine-tune it, at least.

But on this matter, I dun even have the motivation to fine-tune it. I won't bother to do that.
Mmm... really wanna watch these two movies:
翩翩喜歡你(Innocent Steps) (preview) and 世上的另一個我(Nana) (preview)

Besides the story, the background of the movies attracted me. One is dance and one is rock music. Though the feeling brought by dance and rock is different, one thing is in common: the strong beat.
Ai... seems I can only buy vcd and watch it at home later...
Rowed 8k lastnight, but actually we did two 2k ...

I chose to row earlier cos Ying Kei has to take a class later. Also, I wanna cox the old guys 8+ cos this would be the last session before the competition. So I am responsible to look at them till the end. Also I want them to know what I want them to do. I want to fight with them till the end.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Look at the fierceness of Matthew Pinsent, in the 2001 WC 2-. Here

Have been stuck by the problem of parsing an XML document for three days! Couldn't parse the XML with JDOM, I tried the sample code provided by Apache Xerces J. This time, there's error when compiling the sample code, stating that org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser couldn't be found. Talked to some colleagues about my problem, but they didn't have any sample code for parsing XML in java...O my god...

Today I finally got it solved, haha... After parsing it with the DOMParser, I passed the document into the DOMBuilder. Then I can make the document into a JDOM structure which means I can access it easily. I think I can go on quickly with the remaining. Great.
Rowed 12k single lastnight, with hung and Fung Ying Kei. Just kept in mind that we had to do sharp and 狠 leg drive. Then you would be able to hang till the half-slide, where you add the quick sit-back and finish. It's fun. We tried to row in higher rating. The higher the rating, the sharper and more狠 we need to be.

Just mentioned that Alice Page joked that she told her dad she would not get married unless she got a single scull as the wedding gift,

well.. I think, my dad will tell me, but not in joking, that I can get married, only if I give up rowing, haha. But well.... I dun have to worry about this, cos I won't get married at this moment, nor I can get married at this moment.

Thinking about the past, seems that my parents ( I think my dad actually) are not so keen to support me in my sports. Maybe it's because I dun do the sports my dad like (soccer). When I competed in the inter-school swimming competition when in secondary school, I remembered only my mum came to see. Even I got medals, my dad won't be too happy. He once did come to see the Inter-University Swimming Competition, but that time I didn't do well, and then he "inch" me for not doing well... shit... Not to mention rowing, he never come to see. I think I lack these kinds of support from my family from the very beginning. If you want a photo of me with parents in some sports events, I would tell you... maybe... only maybe... there is but I gotta find it thoroughly.

If I have kids doing sports and competing in competition, I will surely go to see and cheer for them. That's for sure...

Well dad, I gotta tell you that your son won't just play and fool around at this moment. I know what I gotta do.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Really thanks hung for telling me about this event before.

Steve Redgrave, hung, Matthew Pinsent and me...

Medals won by Matthew Pinsent.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Attended the gathering of Sir Matthew Pinsent and Sir Steve Redgrave in the British Consulate General this evening.

Going there was just like entering the world of 鬼佬, no.. actually entering the 鬼佬 rowing community, cos many of those were rowers (many of them were from Yacht Club). We met a woman called Alice Page. No wonder she's the wife of Mark Stamper, who often rowed double in regattas (which we thought beating them is.... no big deal, haha). We had a nice talk, she told us about her rowing life in England. She said she met her husband in another boat house nearby in when in England. With both of them coming from rowing, she told me that she had a double scull as the wedding gift! Amazing! She said she wrote in her wedding gift list with full of rowing equipments, requesting who and who to give them gifts which are all related to rowing. She joked that she told her dad that she would not get married unless she's given a single scull as wedding gift...haha.

It was a bit nervous to meet the two big men. To them, I thought I am suitable to be their cox, in terms of my size, haha. I asked them what drove them to go for so many times of Olympics. Pinsent said he's addicted to winning.... haha...well... yes.. only if they can win...

It was in the form of a cocktail reception, where ppl just chatted and chatted. I felt quite relax in this environment. Got quite a good chance to talk in English.

Some photos taken tonight
McDonald's tv commercial ....陳奕迅真係好搞笑...

Music Video of 聽聽
Found the Gatorade commercial "23 vs 39".

A great commercial...

These days, as I have to share my works to other colleagues (as one day i would leave here, so other colleagues should know more about my works), I have to explain to them, or teach them the logic of the program I wrote. I dun mind to tell them all I know. The next step is I wanna know what they think about my works, how we can improve it. I will benefit from this process. This is one of the way of evolution.

進 化. As time goes on, your edge on one aspect may not be as sharp as before. If you wanna get the same result, or even better result, you have to sharpen your edge on another aspect to compensate the lost.
Got up at 7am, leaving home at 7:25am. Still forgot to bring along the property management fee downstairs.... It's gonna the middle of the month, but I still forgot to pay the management fee! Anyway, got out earlier than usual. Taking a bus earlier, I thought that I could arrive Hung Hom Tunnel earlier than usual... But no wonder I slept and forgot to get off the bus! f...

I had to walk back to the office from Hung Hom, and got late by 15 minutes.... but I won't forget to buy myself a breakfast in McDonald.

This tv program looks quite interesting: 明報專訊】國際台 11月11日起 逢星期五 晚上9:00


要 說倫敦大橋的建築故事,腦海浮現自然是小時候的歌仔《London Bridge is Falling Down》。早於1176年倫敦大橋建成時,橋上建有教堂等古堡式建築物,聳立泰晤士河之上。建造大橋最難解決的是如何使橋基抵受猛烈的河水衝擊﹔還有紐 約與水曾有一段愛恨交纏的故事,城市心臟地帶原本是一片汪洋。

Monday, November 07, 2005

God bless.... I feel my back getting better, I can use more leg drive when ergoing... hope that i can go to the peak this weekend. Thank God...At least, I felt a little bit high after ergoing.

I put all the songs of the CDs I bought recently into my mp3 player. I like the music of the songs in between lyrics. Such as the guitar beginning of 夜曲, and the electric guitar of the 葡萄成熟時 (it's like the songs of beatles).

One of the things I like HKO is that, the office is situation on a hill, inside a wood. I think there are not many offices or none ( even it's government office), that you can hear the birds singing.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Be the cox of the old guys in the morning, and then taught the star 2 course of the new guys, plus the 8k I rowed in between, I sat on the boat (or the river) for nearly 5 hours today....shit....

As I said before, I dun mean I dun like to teach, but sometimes it's 吃力不討好. Rather you will get blamed for being late for dinner.....shit...

Tonight, I really just wanna leave home without having dinner and went back to sai wan immediately.... shit....

Saturday, November 05, 2005

今日中午在學校游左一陣水先去 cra. 游左大概二千米. 今日既天氣非常適合游水... 水有點太涼, 但勝在有陽光. 四百四百咁游, "sin" 住水咁去...

跟 著去 cra 教新仔... 唔係我唔鍾意教, 但係好似次次都係我教. 有時諗, 我唔教, 一定會有人教, 我唔理, 一定會有人理. 點解佢地鍾意來就來, 我就一定要橦係度, 新人舊人教練都係...明日又一整日係cra, 老豆問我明日幾點走, 幾點番, 我都唔好意思答佢, 其實係唔想答, 因為佢都估到啦...我都唔想成日唔係屋企, 成日都番唔到來食晚飯...

教 完都唔想即刻番屋企, 可能有點失落. 教時係開心..可能開心同唔開心既感覺都係度, 教完開心的沒了, 剩下的只有唔開心的. 呢排間中都會失落, 想做的做唔到, 唔想做的就要 keep 住做. 精神缺了一點支持,起碼缺了一點音樂. 音樂可算係一種有效的心靈寄託. 聽歌唔係要令自己墮落多一點, 而係要令自己支持著. 有些歌係某時候我成日聽, 用來支持自己, 而家聽番就會令自己記番那時... 換句話說, 那些歌成為某時候的記憶體.

今 次一氣過買了四隻CD, 分別係陳奕迅的 U87, 周杰倫的葉惠美, november's Chopin, 及林海峰的三字頭. 其實想買 U87葉惠美 好耐. 阿牛已係暑期要四時半起身去cra, 係收音機聽左好耐. 葉惠美更加耐, 以父之名 可算係扒double 個年既心靈支持. 可能因為個年炒左隻 double 感到非常內疚, 加上阿蔣暫時唔係度, 所以覺得好矛盾. 其實我聽歌好多時首先留意個旋律及配樂, 歌詞反而係最後先留意, 所以有時覺得好 feel, 未必代表歌詞應境. 我會較喜歡英式搖滾, 好似周杰倫的晴天和一路向北都是這一類.

葡萄成熟時- 誰都心酸過, 那個沒有.

Friday, November 04, 2005

呢排差不多每日都是在半睡狀態起身. 然後係巴士訓到落車. 真係次次臨到站之前我就會自己醒, 好彩冇訓過龍...

每日早上既精神寄託就係去食個早餐 (最重要係杯咖啡...).

Shit! I nearly slept for two hours in the office this morning! How can it be? Maybe I really lack a cup of coffee? I went for a cup of coffee, and somehow, just when I smelled it, I started to feel "I am back". Damn it...
Seems that more than half of my CPU time went to thinking about the team matters.

I want more private CPU time...

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Rowed 12k in 4x.

Tonight, it's a totally new combination, hung and me, and with Tin and Dee. Hung and me were still at the stern and bow, while Tin at no. 3 and Dee at no. 2. Tin reminded me of how to drive the boat fast, with quick drive and quick release. Actually I know what to do, but I only forgot how to do myself... so really thanks Tin. I know how to compete in the HK champ now...

Also, he reminded something I told others before but seems I forgot now, drive the boat away, the more you can push the boat away (without negative force), the more you move the boat forward. It's first told by Chiang, but seems I forgot. It felt great! As I really learnt (again) something.
Found this article- http://teenadvice.about.com/cs/loveladysadvice/a/LL1203_2.htm
Had bread as lunch in the TST east garden. Just wanna lay there to have a sleep...but didn't. Then went to McDonald for a 脆筒 with Mango favour. This is the second time I had this. After having it for the first time lastnight, I found it quite "interesting", haha.
Sir Matthew Pinsent and Sir Steve Redgrave- winning gold in the Coxless Pair in Barcelona in 1996.

Really get a chance to see them next week? Great!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Just swam for about 900m, cos it's so cold! I just swam 200m at a time, but I started to shiffer at the fourth round... shit... kept shiffering while walking to the changing room...

what I am afraid is cold... not hot.
Seeing the sky is cloudy, I think it's a good time to buy take-away and have it in Kowloon Park... but no wonder the sun came out for a while.. shit! I sweated a little bit when having lunch...

gotta have a swim to relax my back a little bit...
Slept at 2am lastnight...

Got confused...

"人浪中想真心告白 但妳只想聽聽笑話"
Saw this job ad this morning:


wow, if they recruit in HK... I will immediately apply it.
When you feel disappointed or unhappy and you thought you couldn't alter the situation easily, maybe you can think about what can make you, at least, less disappointed and unhappy. From that point, you already altered the situation bit by bit.

At this moment, the only thing I can think of is... having my back less painful, so that I can row more happily, haha.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Attended a workshop this afternoon, about time management. Time management is first thing first. I think this workshop is more suitably called task management in office environment. It's about setting priorities to tasks, stick to your schedule, and try to avoid disturbance from others including your boss.

Something interesting was mentioned. Doing things that are important and urgent is for 救火, while doing something not urgent but important is for 防火. I think this workshop is about office politics as well.
Busy right away when arriving the office. Finding that there were 200 error messages from the servers, immediately checked the integrity of data, searching if there're any missing data, and restoring the lost one. Completing this task, hopefully I can finish another one i.e. configuring the system before lunch time, cos I have to attend a seminar in the afternoon...

The weather turned cooler now, gotta take care. Seems the smell of autumn is gone, with the weather remained cool. I like cooler weather, but maybe I like the change from summer to autumn even more.

Seems like entering a state of roller-coaster, like in the first year of my Mphil. It was harsh during those days, but it's quite interesting (interesting!?), cos you have to drive yourself to the best in one area while enduring in the not-so-good situation in other areas.

Hai, it looks real hard to get the smiles from those I concern. Better not asking for favour, I should just give my smile first.